Examining Political Questions to Develop Argumentative Strategies This is a fancy title for learning a little something about a lot of issues, so that we may then write our opinion responses with more substance and authority. The issues we will be studying are often the subjects of articles which appear in the Upfront New York Times Magazines This activity is structured in three parts: Today, we will become acquainted with just where the two major American political parties (the Democrats and the Republicans) say they stand on some key political issues. Tomorrow, we will break out into groups, each group assigned one of these political issues, and do online research for arguments in favor of or against the parties’ positions on our assigned issues. Next week, each group will present at least 4 major arguments in favor of or against each parties’ position on their particular issue.
The Two-Party System The Republican and Democratic parties dominate American politics. Only the candidates from the two major parties have a chance to win most elections. Why is this the case? The Framers opposed political parties. They saw parties as “factions” that caused disunity and conflict. George Washington warned against the dangers of parties.
Political Spectrum Radical Liberal Moderate Conservative Reactionary Favors extreme change to create an altered or entirely new social system. Liberal Believes that government must take action to change economic, political, and ideological policies thought to be unfair. Moderate Holds beliefs that fall between liberal and conservative views, usually including some of each. Conservative Seeks to keep in place the economic, political, and social structures of society. Reactionary Favors extreme change to restore society to an earlier, more conservative state.
Are the two parties really that different?
SOME QUESTIONS: How many of you strongly identify with one of the two dominant American political parties? If no, do your parents identify as Democrat or Republican? Does anyone live in a home where your parents belong to different political parties? How does this work out? What factors do you believe have the most influence on our political beliefs or identification? How many of you feel that you made up their own minds about your political beliefs? How many of you have no real feelings about either party? Why not?
On the issue of HEALTHCARE
On the issue of FIREARMS (GUN CONTROL)
On the issue of EDUCATION (public/school choice, college/student loans)
On the issue of TAXES “We propose to extend the Bush tax cuts…reform the tax code…eliminate taxes interest, dividends, and capital gains altogether for lower and middle-income taxpayers; end the Death Tax; and repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax.” A
On the issue of IMMIGRATION
On the issue of ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT
On the issue of LABOR
Our Next Step (in this activity)… Everyone will be assigned to a group that will be responsible for studying one of the particular issues which we just reviewed and then for sharing those findings about your assigned issue with the class next week After being assigned to a group, you will go to the media center next door tomorrow and work with your group to research your issue Your objective is to do research online, finding arguments in favor of or against the positions taken by each party (Democrat or Republican), and discussing them with your group. Together you fill out a worksheet that will serve as the basis for your group’s presentation to the class. Your worksheet will list several good websites that present a balanced view of these issues. It is strongly suggested that you use these sites for your group research, as they are very helpful.
Examples of Information that You Will Find Online (at the recommended sites)… “Over 1,300 questions on controversial issues with over 12,000 pro, con, and not clearly pro or con statements.” Information about the issues we will be studying can be found in the format shown here at this site, ProCon.org. In the case of this particular question, at least a dozen pro arguments and a dozen con arguments are listed, giving you an instant reference for the kind of information you would need to write more effective opinion responses.
Another useful site is BalancedPolitics.org. This site will also provide you with a thorough listing of arguments on both sides of many of these issues. It can also provide you with links to other useful sites where you can study the issue further.
In the OPINIONS section of the website Debate In the OPINIONS section of the website Debate.org, you will find links to discussions of various questions about the issues. In these discussion forums, visitors to the site post comments, providing another source of arguments for and against many of these issues.
Next Steps . . . . . Part 2 Working with your group, fill out the worksheet provided to you tomorrow. You will need to: Explain in you own words the positions taken by the Democratic and Republican Parties on your assigned issue. Do online research about your assigned issue to determine the pros and cons of the various positions taken by the Democratic and Republican parties. Using the websites procon.org, debate.org, and balancedpolitics.org, research arguments both for and against the Democratic and Republican positions on your particular issue. In the space provided on the worksheet, write down at least 4 arguments that support the Democratic position on the issue and 4 arguments that support the Republican position on the issue. You may provide more than four if you wish.
Next Steps . . . . . Part 3 After completing your worksheets, work together to determine how you will present the information to the class (i.e., using just one presenter or having each member take turns). If possible, arrange to rehearse your presentation at least once. Next week, each group will present the findings of your research on your assigned issue to the entire class. Please give Mr. Kay a copy of your worksheet BEFORE the day of the presentations, so that they can make a one-sheet of each group’s work to be shared with everyone in the class.
Why Did We Need to Do This Again ? With the completion of this activity, you will have compiled an entire packet of information about the many issues that we discussed when reviewing key points in the 2017 Democratic and Republican Party platforms. You will be able to then use this information as a veritable arsenal of argumentative strategies which can help you when writing opinion responses to newspaper articles or editorials, such as those found in Upfront New York Times Magazine ar·se·nal (ˈärs(ə)n(ə)l/) The definition of an arsenal is a collection of things, skills and/or talents. An example of having an arsenal of information is the tax professional who knows all the ins and outs on how to get his client the best refund.