South Carolina CAUTI Midcourse Meeting August 22, 2012 On the CUSP: Stop CAUTI South Carolina Data Review South Carolina CAUTI Midcourse Meeting August 22, 2012
Context: South Carolina and the National Collaborative South Carolina’s units enrolled in Cohort 3: Intervention date: April 2012 Other states enrolled in Cohort 3: Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersey
South Carolina Enrollment (as of 8/2/2012): # HOSP # UNITS # ICU’s % ICU’s Cohort 3 18 26 8 31%
South Carolina: DATA LEARNING OBJECTIVES To understand your progress toward: Reducing the rate of catheter associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI’s) AND Implementing the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety Program (CUSP)
SC CAUTI Outcome Data Submission: (Note: May uptick due to 6 units dropping out of denominator)
SC CAUTI Process Data Submission: Baseline Period (15 days, March 2012)
SC CAUTI Process Data Submission: Implementation Period (16 days Apr-May) (note: uptick due to 6 units dropping out of denominator)
SC CAUTI RATES By Catheter Days: Increasing over Time (Unfavorable)
SC CAUTI RATES By Patient Days: Increasing over Time (Unfavorable)
SC Catheter Prevalence (from outcome data) Steady at 29%; comparable to peers
SC Catheter Appropriateness Decreasing slightly; comparable to peers
South Carolina: Lessons from the TCT CAUTI Technical Work Adoption of CUSP Strategies Caveat: Findings are based on very few TCT’s due to low data submission
SC TCT Submission: Very Low
CAUTI Reduction Work: Qtr 1 2012 SC vs. Cohort 3
CAUTI Reduction Work: Qtr 1 2012 SC vs. Cohort 3
CUSP Activities Qtr 1 2012 SC vs. Cohort 3
CUSP Activities Qtr 1 2012 SC vs. Cohort 3
Top Initial Barriers Qtr 1 2012 for South Carolina
South Carolina Take Home Points Data Submission -- Outcome and Process data: very good --- TCT: minimal submission
South Carolina: Take Home Points CAUTI Rates -- Increasing over time (unfavorable) Prevalence (from outcome data) -- No change in utilization of catheters Catheter appropriateness -- Decreasing slightly over time (unfavorable)
South Carolina: Take Home Points CAUTI Reduction Steps Bright spots: --- adherence to sterile catheter insertion technique Areas needing attention: --- review of catheter need BEFORE insertion --- proper catheter maintenance --- prompt catheter removal
South Carolina: Take Home Points CUSP Activities Science of Safety Video: not shared yet Senior Executive rounds, Identifying Defects, and Learning from Defects: only half of teams are using Note: based on low TCT data submission
South Carolina: Take Home Points Barriers, Qtr1 2012 Top initial issues --- Insufficient Team Member Participation --- Staff Distraction due to other events/priorities --- Time --- Staff Turnover Note: based on low TCT data submission
South Carolina Take Home Points The work continues to follow the catheter recommendations for EVERY patient, EVERY time, to help reduce the risk of CAUTI’s. Thank you for all that you do to make care safer for our patients.