Verification Collection Report (VCR) Webinar


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Presentation transcript:

Verification Collection Report (VCR) Webinar hello Verification Collection Report (VCR) Webinar FNS – 742 Reporting Overview and Detailed Instructions Rachael Burnham, BA Senior Consultant CDE, Office of School Nutrition November 09, 2017 Good afternoon! Welcome to the Verification Collection Report 2017! Thank you so much for being here today! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Rachael Burnham. I am the senior consultant for benefit issuance areas for the Office of School Nutrition, so that includes free and reduced price meals, verification and direct certification. I wanted to provide a webinar to refresh everyone on the Verification Collection Report, otherwise known as the federal report, FNS-742 and/or the VCR. The report is discussed in both our regional and online trainings, however, I wanted to give everyone another quick opportunity to understand the reporting fields and help you prepare for the data that is needed. Attending this webinar will count for one hour of continuing education in Administration - Free and Reduced Price Meal Benefits. The certificate will be accessible after you complete the evaluation survey that will be sent to you via email at the end of the day today. This webinar will start at 2pm. All participants are in listen-only mode. The audio is through your computer speakers.

Colorado Department of Education Vision Together We Can Colorado Department of Education Vision All students in Colorado will become educated and productive citizens capable of succeeding in society, the workforce, and life. CDE Office of School Nutrition Mission The Office of School Nutrition is committed to ensuring all school-aged children have equal access to healthy meals by supporting, training, and connecting Colorado’s child nutrition community. Our mission is to ensure we offer you all the support needed to provide equal access to healthy meals for all CO children. Please take a minute to read through our mission.

Verification Webpage: Virtual Housekeeping Please hold questions until the end Use the chat box to ask questions File share in the top right corner Eligibility Manual Foster Student Reporting Verification Collection Report (VCR) Detailed Instructions This PowerPoint VCR, FNS-742 – Sample Poll Questions With that, let me first take care of a couple of virtual housekeeping items. We will be providing time at the end of the webinar for Q&A, so please try to hold your questions until the end. You will use the chat box to ask questions. We have provided helpful resources that you can refer to throughout this webinar, one of those being this presentation. Specifically please open the copy of the VCR, FNS-742 or the detailed instructions. This will be very useful to have as a reference so please have this available. The documents in the file share can also be found on our Verification webpage, the link to this webpage is at the bottom of this slide. We will be recording this webinar and will post it on the verification webpage as a resource. Finally, there will be several Poll questions throughout this presentation to ensure the content is understandable. Please follow along and participate in all poll questions Verification Webpage:

CEP = Community Eligibility Provision Key Terms CEP = Community Eligibility Provision CDE OSN = CO Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition FDPIR = Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations NSLP = National School Lunch Program RCCI = Residential Child Care Institution SFA = School Food Authority SNAP = Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program TANF = Temporary Assistance for Needy Families SBP = School Breakfast Program VCR = Verification Collection Report, FNS–742 For everyone’s reference you may see these acronyms throughout the presentation. Again, the presentation is available in the file share if you need to refer back to these key terms. I’ll give you a minute to review these.

Review of the Annual Verification Process

Verification Timeline Verification is the confirmation of eligibility for free and reduced price school meals based on applications. Key dates and Verification Activities October 1: Count all current year approved applications on file as of Oct. 1; Select sample size October 31 or Last Operating Day in October Count total number of students, by respective categories November 15: Complete verification activities November 16 - February 1: Complete and submit the Verification Collection Report, FNS - 742 Let’s remember why we conduct verification. It’s to confirm the eligibility for free and reduced price meal applications. Or, to have families substantiate what they submitted on their initial F&R applications by providing written documentation. Please review the table showcasing key verification dates. On October 1, you should have conducted a count of approved applications on file for the current school year. You will report your counts as of Oct. 1 in the VCR. Just about a week and a half ago, you should have completed a student count, or the total number of students enrolled in the district who have access to the meal programs, by specific categories which we will review later. Those counts are also reported in the VCR. By the middle of next week, you will work to complete all verification activities by November 15th. I wanted to point out the dates of November 16 – February 1st. Notice we have greatly lengthened the submission time for the VCR. You have a significant amount of time to submit your report, however I cannot stress enough to submit it as soon as possible when all verification paperwork and activities are still fresh in your mind and paperwork is readily available. The final due date for the VCR is February 1st, 2018. In March, our office is responsible for submitting a report to the USDA Food and Nutrition Services Department. Then, USDA FNS reviews our data and follows up with us on any inconsistencies. To say the least, this is a fairly long and involved process.

Verification is Considered Complete When: Household provides adequate documentation of income or categorical eligibility and results letter is sent Household requests, verbally or in writing, that it no longer wishes to receive free or reduced price benefits and notice of adverse action is sent Adverse Action Notice has been sent to families that did not respond by Nov. 15th Household is directly certified and results letter is sent Responded vs. Not Responded Responded Means: Not Responded Means: The household provided sufficient documentation. The household did not provide sufficient documentation. Verbal or written notification that the household declines benefits. The household did not provide a response. I have had quite a few questions regarding, “when verification is considered complete” and “What to do about families that respond and request to deny benefits”. Verification is considered complete when notification of results are sent to the family. Whether that be a results letter being sent to a family that provided proper documentation, a family responding and wishing to not continue meal benefits, the family becomes directly certified, or a family has not responded by the deadline and a letter of adverse action is sent. The day you send the results letter is the day verification is considered complete for that family. Specifically, I wanted to clarify when a family calls, or provides a letter, requesting to no longer continue with meal benefits. This is considered a response and the family must be sent their letter of adverse action the day they make this request. Document all communication and the request on your verification tracker. They will then be recorded in the VCR in table 5-8 as responded and changed to paid. I will reference this again later, but it’s important to see that a verbal or written response from a household declining benefits is considered a permissible response and should be recorded in the VCR accordingly. I will be covering how to report directly certified households that were selected for verification in upcoming slides.

Getting Started - Reporting Resources Before we start to review the specific sections of the VCR I wanted to show you some resources that will help us along way.

Detailed VCR Instructions Use the instructions as a guide while completing the VCR Located in File Share in top right corner of webinar Available on the CDE OSN Verification Webpage Will be emailed to all Verification contacts The Verification process, is not always the easiest or clearest reporting. CDE OSN has made every effort to clarify exactly what USDA is requesting in each box of the report. Please use the detailed instructions located in the top right file share, as you are completing the VCR. The instructions will resolve most questions and will also help ensure that the report is correct before it is submitted. Link to CDE OSN Verification Webpage:

VCR is open in the CO Child Nutrition Hub Reporting Overview VCR is open in the CO Child Nutrition Hub Current Users: same userID/password New Users: contact OSN for userID/password Detailed VCR instructions will be emailed to all Verification contacts VCR is due Wednesday February 1, 2018 Late submissions will result in a finding for SFAs up for review We have already opened the VCR in the CO Child Nutrition Hub. All Verification contacts will also receive an email that will include the detailed instructions. If you are a current CO Nutrition Hub/Direct Cert user, you will use the same user name and password. If you have never been set up in the CO Nutrition Hub, please let me know so we can issue you access. Link to CO Child Nutrition Hub:

adf Poll True or False: Verification is considered complete if a household requests, verbally or in writing, that it no longer wishes to receive free or reduced price benefits and the notice of adverse action is sent.

The Verification Collection Report (VCR) FNS-742 Now let’s get to the VCR. We will review each section, break down each line and what is required to be reported.

Accessing the VCR Login to the CO Child Nutrition Hub: Select Applications at top left of tool bar Select Verification Report Select “Modify,” under current school year When you’re ready to start the VCR you can open your report in the CO Child Nutrition Hub. I have listed the web address to the Hub on this slide and there are other accessible hub links throughout the CDE Nutrition website. Once you are logged into the hub click applications, select verification report and then Modify under the current school, 2017-2018. There are screen shots included here, as well as in the detailed instructions.

FNS-742 Report (Verification Collection Report) Sections of the VCR FNS-742 Report (Verification Collection Report) Section 1: Total number of schools, RCCIs and enrolled students Section 2: SFAs with alternate provisions Section 3: Students approved free but not subject to verification Section 4: Students approved Free/Reduced via household application Section 5: Verification Results The VCR has 5 sections. All SFAs participating in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and/or the School Breakfast Program (SBP), including those with alternate provisions (CEP or Provision 2) and RCCI’s, must complete the report. Outlined here is the type of information that is collected in each section. In upcoming slides, I’ll walk through screen shots of each section.

VCR – Contact Information Contact information automatically populates as the food service director Information must be updated, if needed, to the person completing the report So, let’s get started. The contact information is the very top portion of the VCR, and one of the most common errors we see. This information defaults, by the system, to the person listed as the Child Nutrition Director. If the Child Nutrition Director is not the person completing this form, this section must be updated to reflect the name and contact information of the person completing the form. Please ensure this information is correct as it is used to notify the SFA if there are any corrections needed.

VCR – Section 1 1-1A: Populated by the system 1-1B: Enter all enrolled students in schools participating in the NSLP/SBP as of the last operating day in October Do not include Special Milk RCCIs: Will be grayed out for most SFAs; the CDE OSN will help RCCIs with completing these boxes In Section 1 of the VCR, most SFAs will need to complete only one box, 1-1 B. Here, the SFA will need to enter the total number of students with access to the NSLP/SBP in participating schools as of the last operating day in October. If the SFA also has schools that participate in the Special Milk Program only, those students are not included. Also, if the SFA has, for example, a charter school that does not participate in the NSLP or SBP, those students are not included either. Lines 1-2 and 1-2A and B pertain to Residential Child Care Institutions (RCCIs) only.

VCR – Section 2 Applies only to those implementing CEP or Provision 2 Pay close attention to questions for BASE or NON BASE year Section 2 of the VCR will need to be completed only by SFAs with at least one school on Provision 2 or CEP. If your SFA falls into one of these categories, please read the base year and non-base year information carefully. You can also refer to the VCR detailed Instructions for more clear directions. Feel free to contact me for assistance in completing this section. For everyone else, these boxes will be grayed out. In this example, the SFA has one site on Provision 2 and they are in a BASE year. This is reported correctly.

VCR – Section 3 3-1: Do NOT check unless SFA is an RCCI, on Provision 2 district-wide or is CEP district-wide 3-2: One of the MOST important sections. ACCURACY is critical Enter ALL Directly Certified SNAP & Extended Eligible with SNAP students Report students at participating sites only. Do not include Special Milk students This data is as of the last operating day in October In Section 3 of the VCR, a key point to keep in mind is that all of this data must come from the student count conducted on the last operating day in October. You can see there are 4 lines of data points here. For now, we are only going to talk about 3-1 and 3-2. 3-1: The only SFAs that will check this box are those with every school in the district in a non-base year of Provision 2, those with every school in the district on CEP, and the RCCIs other than the CO School for the Deaf and Blind. All other SFAs will not check this box. 3-2: This is the most critical field on the VCR! This line is responsible for establishing Colorado’s Direct Cert rate. All SNAP direct certification students and Extended Eligible SNAP students, must be reported here as of October 31st.

DO NOT include SNAP “letter method” VCR – Line 3-2 Line 3-2 is very important for the SNAP Direct Certification State Match Rate SNAP supersedes any other status (application, TANF, Migrant, Foster etc.) If a student is on your direct certification match list as SNAP, BOTH, SNAP/MIGRANT or BOTH/MIGRANT as of the last operating day in October (even if initially certified by another method), it is reported as SNAP on line 3-2. DO NOT include SNAP “letter method” DO NOT include SNAP applications, or applications that were certified using a case number Let’s break down line 3-2 even more. This line will get tricky with only reporting your SNAP and extended eligible SNAP students. Make sure you are reporting your TANF direct certification matches separately. We will cover how to identify the differences within your direct certification match lists in upcoming slides. Also, make sure you are not including SNAP/Case Number applications. This line should only include students you have matched in the direct certification system and they were listed as SNAP, BOTH, SNAP/MIGRANT or BOTH/MIGRANT and any students you have extended eligibility to. Also, remember to not include any SNAP letter method students or students certified via a SNAP application. Special Milk students will be excluded from this count as well. Only report students that attend participating NSLP/SBP sites, this also includes provision 2 in a base year and RCCI sites.

Method of Certification VCR – Line 3-2 How 3-2 is Calculated Method of Certification # of Students On a Direct Certification List as SNAP, SNAP/MIGRANT, BOTH/MIGRANT or BOTH as of the last operating day in October 2,315 SNAP Extended Eligibility 415 Total SNAP Directly Certified 2,730 I thought this table graphic may be helpful in showing how line 3-2 should be calculated.

Sorting your Match List The Direct Certification Match List identifies the “qualify” type This will allow the direct certification type to be identified and reported correctly Directly Certified students must have the correct qualify type Work with your benefit issuance software vendor if you import your match lists MCS/Heartland and Infinite Campus does identify qualify type when importing a match list It’s important to be familiar the online direct certification system, your free and reduced software system and how to sort your match lists. When you directly certify students in the online system, they are given a “qualify” type. It’s very important that you are not only certifying your direct cert students correctly as free lunch eligible, but that they are given the correct qualify type (i.e. Migrant, TANF or SNAP). Work with your current software vendor to ensure it has the capability to identify qualify type, especially if you are importing your match lists. This will become crucial if you run automated reports for extending eligibility, because your match lists now contain MIGRANT only statuses and this type of direct cert eligibility does not extend eligibility. I did confirm with MCS/Heartland and Infinite Campus that they have the capability to determine qualify type during the match list import process, but you will want to double check this is occurring. I’ll show you an example of how you can determine program type within your direct certification match lists.

Aadf Here is an example of a Direct Certification Match List from the online system in the Hub. You can clearly see the Qualify column and notice how it lists the specific assistance program qualify type. This is were you can identify how students should be reported in section 3 of the VCR. Any SNAP, SNAP/MIGRANT, BOTH or BOTH/MIGRANT matched on 10/31 or prior, will be reported on line 3-2 as SNAP and you will also be extending eligibility with the direct cert SNAP status and include those extended eligible students on line 3-2 as well. Any TANF or TANF/MIGRANT matched on 10/31 or prior, will be reported on line 3-3 as TANF and you will also be extending eligibility with the direct cert TANF status and include those extended eligible students online 3-3 as well. Any MIGRANT only students matched on 10/31 or prior will be reported on line 3-3 and you DO NOT extend eligibility for a MIGRANT only status.

Verification Households and Direct Certification When households selected for verification become directly certified, the application does not have to be replaced The directly certified students will be reported on line 3-2 if they were directly certified by 10/31 If they were directly certified after 10/31 you will not report them on the VCR The application will continue to be reported within the original sample size on line 5-5 Do not enter any information for these applications in table 5-8 Email Rachael the number of applications and students that were directly certified after being selected for verification When households selected for verification become directly certified, the application does not have to be replaced. You will report the directly certified students on line 3-2 or 3-3 (dependent upon qualify type), if they were directly certified by 10/31. If they were directly certified after 10/31 you will not report the students on the VCR, but you will still report the application within your sample pool on line 5-5. You will not be reporting any information for this application in table 5-8 because the household did technically not respond. Lastly, email me the number of applications and students that were directly certified after being selected for verification. This is also covered on page 105 of the Eligibility Manual.

Verification Households and Direct Certification Example – An application was selected for verification on 10/2 and the notice of selection was sent to the household On 10/5 the household was directly certified in the online system as SNAP eligible The application does not need to be replaced The students will be reported on line 3-2 The application will continue to be reported in the sample pool on line 5-5 The application will not be reported in table 5-8 Let’s go over a common scenario of direct certification and verification households. An application was selected for verification on 10/2 and the notice of selection was sent to the household. On 10/5 the household was directly certified in the online system as SNAP eligible. The application does not need to be replaced. You will report the students on line 3-2 because they were directly certified prior to 10/31 and the application will continue to be reported in the sample pool on line 5-5.

Adfad Poll How should you report a Directly Certified student with a qualify type of BOTH/MIGRANT? SNAP TANF MIGRANT SNAP Letter Method

3-3: As of the last operating day in October, Report ALL: VCR – Section 3 (cont.) 3-3: As of the last operating day in October, Report ALL: Students on your direct certification match lists as TANF or Migrant Students certified as Homeless, Migrant, Foster, Head Start, Runaway, applications completed by school officials and all extended eligible TANF 3-4: SNAP Letter Method – total students certified by providing SNAP letters (did not fill out an application and were not directly certified) Now, let’s review the rest of section 3. 3-3: This line asks for all other students directly certified by other programs. This will include all of your homeless, migrant, runaway, foster, Heart Start, students applied for by school officials and any students on your direct certification lists identified as TANF, extended eligible TANF, Migrant or TANF/MIGRANT. Again, if a student is on Direct Cert list as SNAP/BOTH and is also in one of the categories I just listed, SNAP always takes precedence, and the student is reported on line 3-2. If a student has a foster status from an application, they are not reported here; foster students are only reported in 3-3 if the student was on a foster list from the county, or were requested to be changed to foster by CDE during October count. **A good rule of thumb for line 3-3 is to include all students you certified from a list, but were not already directly certified, or extended eligibility, with SNAP. 3-4: The SNAP letter method is not often used in Colorado. If your SFA did receive SNAP letters from households, and there is no other means of certifying them (application with SNAP number or Direct Cert), list the appropriate number of students here.

Method of Certification VCR – Line 3-3 How 3-3 is Calculated Method of Certification # of Students On the Direct Certification List as TANF or TANF/MIGRANT as of the last operating day in October 56 TANF Extended Eligibility 16 Homeless 68 On the Direct Certification List as Migrant, or on a list from CDE or Liaison 40 Foster on a list from the county/state; CDE request to change to Foster status Head Start 22 Runaway Approved by School Official 2 Total Directly Certified through other Programs 204 Again, I have include a table showing how 3-3 is calculated. It may be helpful for those of you that manually keep track of status to use something similar in helping you organize students.

VCR – Section 4 ALL data in Column A is as of October 1 4-1A: Total # of approved SNAP, FDPIR, TANF and Foster Only APPLICATIONS 4-1B: Total # of STUDENTS on SNAP, FDPIR, TANF and Foster applications 4-2A: Total # of approved Free Income APPLICATIONS 4-2B: Total # of STUDENTS on approved free income applications Oct. 1 Oct. 31 You can see that Section 4 has several line items. We are going to look at the first two lines. This section of the VCR can be tricky, because the data is as of two different dates. All data regarding applications in Column A will come from your October 1 application count (or this year, October 2nd); all data in Column B regarding numbers of students will come from the student count conducted as of the last operating day in October (10/31). Let’s look at lines 4-1 and 4-2 first. 4-1 A: Report the total number of categorical applications that were on file on October 1. This includes all SNAP, TANF, FDPIR, and foster-only applications. In other words, list all your CASE NUMBER and foster-only applications. 4-1 B: Report the total number of students who were on categorical, or case number, applications as of the last operating day in October. The reporting of mixed (foster and non-foster) applications does get complicated. For further guidance, please see the Foster Student Reporting guide in the top right corner in the file share. You can also find that resource on the verification webpage. 4-2 A: Report the total number of free income applications that were on file on October 1. 4-2 B: Report the total number of students who were on free income applications as of the last operating day in October. ALL data in Column A is as of October 1 ALL data in Column B is as of October 31

VCR – Section 4 4-3A: Total # of approved Reduced Income APPLICATIONS 4-3B: Total # of STUDENTS on reduced income applications T-1: Auto populates; total number of free students reported T-2: Auto populates; total number of reduced students reported And, lastly for section 4 for line 4-3. 4-3 A: Report the total number of reduced income applications that were on file on October 1. 4-3 B: Report the total number of students who were on reduced income applications as of the last operating day in October. Lines T-1 and T-2 will calculate for you, based on all of the numbers entered in sections 3 and 4. ALL data in Column A is as of October 1 ALL data in Column B is as of October 31

Rule of Thumb Count Applications by Categories as of October 1. Enter those counts into Section 4, Column A. Count Students by Categories as of October 31. Enter those counts into Section 4, Column B. **Don’t stress about status changes or direct cert changes that happen in-between your count dates. If you’re organized and diligent about changing status when appropriate, your counts will be accurate. We get a lot of “what if’s” about counting applications and counting students. Here is a general rule of thumb. **General Rule of thumb- Take your October 1st and October 31st count dates literal. Don’t worry about status changes in between those dates. If you are organized and upkeep with correctly documenting applications/direct certifications, and updating student status when necessesary, then you should be able to count your applications as of October 1 and report those numbers and then count your students as of October 31st and report those numbers.

VCR – Section 5 Section 5. Here is a screen shot of section 5. We will go over each line. Please reference your own handout of the VCR, or the detailed instructions, for the next slide.

VCR – Section 5 5-1: Only RCCIs, CEP, & Prov. 2 SFAs (non-base year) will check box 5-2: Select, “Yes, completed by November 15th” If you did not complete the verification process by the 15th you need to contact CDE OSN 5-3: Select the sample size used - most SFAs use “Standard” 5-4: Total number of error prone applications You may have zero error prone applications. This is okay! 5-5: Will pre-populate based on the sample size selected Section 5. 5-1: The only SFAs that will check this box are the RCCIs, other than the CO School for the Deaf and Blind, and SFAs on district-wide CEP or Provision 2 (non-base year). All others WILL NOT check this box. 5-2: All SFAs should answer, “Yes, completed by November 15.” The only exception to this would be if an SFA was granted an extension to verifying a household because of special circumstances. Those have to be reviewed and approved by our office. 5-3: Select the type of Verification process that was used. Most SFAs will enter Standard. Those SFAs that have qualified and have been approved for an alternate sample size will need to select Alternate One or Alternate Two. 5-4: If the SFA chose a sample size that included error prone applications, this box will be available for data entry. Enter the total number of error prone applications as of October 1. Now, line 5-5 will auto populate based off of what type you selected as your sample size on line 5-3. It calculates the correct sample size based off the information you entered in section 4 and the sample size selected.

VCR – Line 5-6 and 5-7 Direct Verification: Using records from public agencies to verify income or program participation. Colorado does not currently use Direct Verification of records ALL SFAs are to check box 5-6 Direct Verification is currently not used in Colorado. Therefore, please simply check the box on line 5-6. The system will populate 0s for 5-7. Easy enough! Then move on to the bottom portion of section 5. 5-6: Check the box 5-7: Pre-populated with 0’s; Is not accessible once 5-6 is checked

VCR – Section 5-8 Columns represent ORIGINAL status of applications Section 5-8: This table collects the results of the applications you verified during the annual process and any applications you may have verified for cause outside of your normal sample size. You are to report the original status of the application and then report what the result of verification was. The columns designate the original status of the application, and the rows designate the results. If a verified application was originally free based on income, and it changed to paid as part of the verification process, it would be listed in Column B (Free-Income) for the original status and in Row 3 (Responded, Changed to Paid) for the result. Remember, that you are not including your verification households that were directly certified. The very last line, VC-1, asks for the total number of applications verified for cause as of November 15th. List all applications verified for cause here. You will need to list the results of the applications verified for cause in table 5-8 as well. Applications entered in this section should equal the amount of verified applications from line 5-5 and any applications verified for cause that are entered on line VC-1, unless you had households that became directly certified. Columns represent ORIGINAL status of applications Rows represent RESULT of verification

afs Poll Applications in section 4, column A, are reported as of what date? October 1 February 1 December 15 October 31

Submitting the VCR/FNS-742 Now, let’s talk about the best part of the VCR! Hitting the save and finish button!

Submitting the VCR Once each section is completed, Select “Save” Select Finish; The main screen will display the VCR as “Submitted” Once you have completed all sections of the VCR, or if you have started it and want to come back to it later, you can select save, then finish. If there are no errors, your report will be in a submitted status on the main page.

Errors If sections are incomplete, or incorrect, an error message will display upon submission If you select “Edit” you can review the error message in the report and amend errors If you are unsure of what the error is contact the CDE OSN If you select “Finish” the report status will indicate “Error” on the main page If something is incorrect or incomplete you will receive an error message after you hit save. You can click edit to review the errors immediately, or, you can select finish and come back later. Your report will show a status of error. You can come back to the report and fix your errors at anytime by selecting “Modify”.

CDE OSN will review ALL VCR reports for accuracy CDE OSN VCR Review CDE OSN will review ALL VCR reports for accuracy FINAL VCR SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE FEBRUARY 1, 2018 If there are errors, the SFA will be contacted directly by CDE OSN for corrections If there are no errors, your report will be approved The status of “Approved” can be seen on the main page The CDE OSN reviews each VCR upon submission. If there are errors, or any discrepancies with data submitted, the CDE OSN will email/call the person listed as the contact at the top of the report. We will work with you to fix any errors. If there are no errors, we will approve your VCR. You can view the status of your report on the main page. The final due date of your VCR is February 1st, 2018. Please submit early to account for time needed to fix possible errors.

Poll adf When is the Verification Collection Report (VCR) due? November 15 February 1 December 1 November 16

Call or email with questions: adf Thank you for tuning in! Questions? Enter any questions or comments in the chat box. All resources can be found on the Verification Webpage: We will be around for a few more minutes for questions so please start entering those in the chat box now. Remember all the resources in your file share, and this recorded webinar, will be available on the verification webpage listed here. Also, the evaluation survey will be emailed out today. Once you complete the survey the certificate of completion will generate. Thank you so much for attending and happy reporting! Call or email with questions: 303-866-6450