1.Requirements, specifications, release 2.Exhibition test 3.Customisation 4.Roll out – changing work processes 5.Success 6.Looking forward 7.Questions?
A complex and lengthy process Scope narrowed to focus on object list management Stage 1 released in 2009 Tested Roll out
Object Assessments Clearance Object Selection Exhibition Interpretation
1.Events module 2.Catalogue module3.Exhibit Items module
Events module: Exhibit Items tab
Access List views to mimic MS Excel templates Crystal reports customised to meet requirements of different end users at different stages of the exhibition process Intranet project spaces
Curators Object Support Conservators Collection Managers Loans Acquisitions Rights Imaging Project Managers Interpretation Writers Designers Installers Touring exhibitions Discovery/Education Retail / Marketing Events
Event Exhibition Sections Exhibit Items Catalogue Objects Conservation Catalogue Media Catalogue Accessories LoansRights
Event Exhibit Items Section Exhibit Items SectionSubsection Exhibit Items Subsection Exhibit Items
Digitisation and clearance of exhibition object list an integrated part of the exhibition process. Online access improved via publishing object list to Collections Online. Exhibition minisites developed from exhibition labels via Narratives module.
Section Subsections
Maximising re-purposing of exhibition content for digital access and touring exhibitions. Efficiency of work processes and documentation.
Improving access for read only users via reports, list views and intranet Managing crates and logistics for touring Text and graphics schedules Complex hang and changeover schedules
Giselle Stanton Collection Information Manager – Te Papa