Marine life 3 categories: Benthos: bottom dwellers; sponges, crabs Nekton: strong swimmers- whales, fish, squid Plankton: animal/plants that drift in water. The have little control over their movement. Includes: diatoms, dinoflagellates, larvae, jellyfish, bacteria.
What physical factors are plankton subject to? Waves Tides Currents
Plankton classified by: Size Habitat Taxonomy
Size: Picoplankton (.2-2 µm) bacterioplankton Nanoplankton (2 - 20 µm) protozoans Microplankton (20-200 µm) diatoms, eggs, larvae Macroplankton (200-2,000 µm) some eggs, juvenile fish Megaplankton (> 2,000 µm) includes jellyfish, ctenophores, Mola mola
Habitat: Holoplankton- spends entire lifecycle as plankton Ex. Jellyfish, diatoms, copepods Meroplankton- spend part of lifecycle as plankton Ex. fish and crab larvae, eggs lobster snail fish
Habitat: Pleuston- organisms that float passively at the seas surface Ex. Physalia, Velella Neuston – organisms that inhabit the uppermost few mm of the surface water Ex. bacteria, protozoa, larvae; light intensity too high for phytoplankton Neuston net
Blooms: High nutrients Upwelling Seasonal conditions Phytoplankton- restricted to the euphotic zone where light is available for photosynthesis. Blooms: High nutrients Upwelling Seasonal conditions
Some important types of phytoplankton Diatoms: temperate and polar waters, silica case or shell Dinoflagellates: tropical and subtropical waters.... also summer in temperate Coccolithophores: tropical, calcium carbonate shells or "tests" Silicoflagellates: silica internal skeleton... found world wide, particularly in Antarctic Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae): not true algae, often in brackish nearshore waters and warm water gyres Green Algae: not common except in lagoons and estuaries Some important types of phytoplankton Diatoms: Phylum Chrysophyta Dominant in temperate and polar waters Silica case or shell looks like a "pill box“; Found singly or in chains; Planktonic forms are radially symmetrical Can reproduce very quickly, up to 6x/day via asexual reproduction (also have sexual reproduction) Dinoflagellates Dominant in tropical and subtropical waters.... also summer in temperate areas they have two flagella and a shell of cellulose plates (called theca) Asexual reproduction and fast population growth can lead to "red tides" They secrete a neurotoxin called saxitoxin: bioaccumulates in shell fish and other filter feeders... can be fatal Coccolithophores Tropical... often very common Calcium carbonate shells or "tests" Their skeletons make important depositional structures, but "naked" forms are not preserved Silicoflagellates: Biflagellated, silica internal skeleton... found world wide, particularly in Antarctic Cyanobacteria: "Blue-green algae" but not true algae: often in brackish nearshore waters and warm water gyres these bacteria can fix gaseous nitrogen into NH4 Green Algae Not common except in lagoons and estuaries... often associated with coastal pollution Cryptomonad Flagellates: have chlorophyll a and c... adapted for turbid waters
Some important types of zooplankton Crustaceans: Copepods Krill Cladocera Mysids Ostracods Jellies Coelenterates (True jellies, Man-of-wars, By-the-wind-sailors) Ctenophores (comb jellies) Urochordates (salps and larvacea) Worms (Arrow worms, polychaetes) Pteropods (planktonic snails)
Fish larvae
tunicate Jelly-like house Oikopleura Marine snow
Marine snow
Zooplankton: larvae, copepods. Some produce oil to help them float Zooplankton: larvae, copepods. Some produce oil to help them float. Smaller population size than the phytoplanktoton. Zooplankton population size increases after phytoplankton size increases. zooplankton phytoplankton Winter Spring Summer Fall
Nutritional modes of zooplankton: Herbivores: feed primarily on phytoplankton Carnivores: feed primarily on other zooplankton (animals) Detrivores: feed primarily on dead organic matter (detritus) Omnivores: feed on mixed diet of plants and animals and detritus
Diurnal vertical migration
Vertical Migration
Diel vertical Migration Each species has its own preferred day and night depth range, which may vary with lifecycle. Nocturnal Migration single daily ascent near sunset Twilight migration (crepuscular period) two ascents and two descents Reverse migration rise during day and descend at night
Advantages for Diurnal vertical migration An antipredator strategy; less visual to predators Zooplankton migrate to the surface at night and below during the day to the mesopelagic zone. Copepods avoid euphasiids which avoid chaetognaths.
Advantages for DVM Energy conservation Encounter new feeding areas Get genetic mixing of populations Hastens transfer of organic material produced in the euphotic zone to the deep sea
Plankton Patchiness Zooplankton not distributed uniformly or randomly Aggregated into patches of variable size Difficult to detect with plankton nets - Nets “average” the catch over the length of the tow May explain enormous variability in catches from net tows at close distances apart Plankton Patchiness In the ocean, zooplankton do not occur evenly or randomly. The are aggregated into patches that occur in both the horizontal and vertical. These patches may be a few centimeters in scale or 10-100s of kilometers. Traditional sampling tools do a poor job of detecting this patchiness because they average the catch over the length of the tow. This patchiness may explain why there is so much variability in repeated net tows taken in close proximity to each other.