Overview of Transition Services What does transition mean to you? What are vertical transitions? What are horizontal transitions? How does career education fit into the concepts of transition?
Defining Transition Let’s review the definition given on page 3 under Intent of Transition Services In what fundamental way has the transition process been changed under IDEA 2004?
Specific Transition Services Why are so many possible services listed? How can this list help you in your assignments? How can this list help in teaching? Brolin’s Career Centered Education Curriculum
Self-Determination What does this mean to you? What is the primary teaching process for developing these skills? How is development of these skills influenced by the disability? Family? Teachers?
Planning for Transitions Why & what records should be kept? What is the required timeline? What should be the timeline? How can the informaiton on pages 10-12 help you with your assignments?
ODE Information What are FAQ? What is required in operating standards? How can this help you in this course & your teaching? Where is the IEP form available?