Reminders: Huber High Tide August 14-August 18 Notes: Character Counts: We are working on showing good character. This means that we make the right choice even when NO ONE is looking. Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 28 : 6:00-7:30 pm- Parent Assembly Jeff Yalden, Balance & Boundaries: Parenting Today’s Youth – Free dress down pass if at least ONE parent attends! See you there! Notes: Learning this week: Phonics: Review of short o sound, consonant letters l, x Language Arts: Reader’s Workshop-becoming good readers Math: Number bonds-”The 10 way” Social Studies: Landforms/Maps/Globes Handwriting: Lower case letters Writing: Nouns/Complete sentences Character: Compassion Upcoming Events: ***August 15- First Grade Curriculum Night 6:00-7:00 pm August 16- Picture day! (Please wear your school uniform) August 21-Solar Eclipse Day-School hours are from 9:00am-4:00pm!! Spelling Words: log, hot, frog, spot, dot, lot, drop, lost, top, ox *Challenge words: have, sing, find Lunch Location: We will eat in the cafeteria this week beginning at 11:35. Your child may buy ice cream this week. High Frequency Words: do sing no they funny find Ask your child: How many landforms can you name? What are the vowel’s superpowers? How can you show compassion at school? Reminders: -On August 25, I will be sending out our first progress report. -Math homework will begin this WEEK! -Spelling homework option: –see blue Home- Work sheet for the user name and password - ©KinderAlphabet2014