Mass Spectrometer Auto Sampler Kyle Sala Jake Ahrens Stephen Pearson Seth Yellin
Project Summary Develop an auto sampling device to interface with a mass spectrometer Samples involve bacterial pathogens to be recognized and catalogued by the mass spectrometer
Where Were At… No Significant Design Changes Valve System Construction o Solenoid Valves o Tubing o Incubator Valve Code Full interface capabilites with Mass Spectrometer will be left for future CS students Magnetic Stirrer o As requested by our faculty advisor, is no longer a parameter of our project
Valve System Construction …Previously… Did not have all the parts (tubing, valves, connectors…) Recently obtained the incubator o Temperature needs to stay constant in the samples in order to secure consistent readings Had not begun construction
Valve System Construction …Now… Completed Valves are mounted in the incubator and connected in series via tubing system Bottles are prepped and ready to be filled with samples and incorporated into the system
Valve Code …Previously… Coding – pseudo code for all operations of valve system o Sampling, Flushing, CO 2 Removal, Air Replacement Two independent microcontrollers Extended pseudo code to control new chip o Quad High Side Driver
Valve Code …Now… Completed Two linked microcontrollers Sequence functions o Flushing o Sampling o Replace headspace Special thanks to professor Titcomb
Testing Valve system has to be air tight o Valves tested with pressure gauges in lab Preview video on how our code operates the valves
Interface with Mass Spectrometer Extension for future CS students Have our code interact with mass spectrometer software through sample acquisition Name and categorize each pathogen as its sampled
15 Interface with Mass Spectrometer Mass spec uses Analyst software from Applied Biosystems Contacted software support for instructions on interfacing with autosamplers The software cannot directly connect to our valving system but can connect to other windows programs that can
Looking Forward Solder valve connections for code implementation Test and trouble shoot o Bubble presentation of system Film next week Make a complete instruction manual for future reference Final assembly of power supply and external controls Making it look cool