Junior School Curriculum and Team Work in 2012
A LITERACY SESSION Spelling- language, flashcards (spell, sound, syllable, phonemic awareness, context and meaning, activities Writing-: planning, modelling, monitoring, editing, follow up, correction, skills required for genres Reading- SRA/ Guided Reading/ Comprehension – CARS and STARS
Reading Reading groups (whole, small, whole) Fitzroy Reading Program Home Reading SRA Boxes – Year level systems consistent CARS and STARS – students have own resources. Assessment includes State benchmarking, Fountis and Pinnal and TORCH.
Writing Modelling writing process Planning, writing conventions of punctuation, grammar, revising, proof reading NAPLAN Assessment Matrix Persuasive and narrative Scope and Sequence Publish a minimum of 2 pieces per term Encourage STUDENT editing
Spelling Spelling Mastery Phonics Rules Jolly Phonics Frequently used words Word Meanings and context Written activities language
Handwriting Minimum of one formal handwriting lesson per week Second handwriting activity can be integrated (Inquiry or Science) Pencil grip and posture to be monitored at every level – look at back of text book Monitor bookwork
A NUMERACY SESSION Counting Automatic response Mental arithmetic Focus- 4 operations Application- correction/monitoring Ploughing back- What have we learnt today?
Typical Mathematics Lesson 5 minutes oral counting 10 minutes mental arithmetic 10-20 minutes explicit lesson (I do and we do) 10 - 15 minutes independent activity 5-10 minutes sharing
OoOne thousand, two hundred h d h ff ddddaaa Th H T O 1 2 4 3 1243 12 hundred and 4 tens, 3 ones 124 tens, 3 ones 1243 ones OoOne thousand, two hundred and forty-three
Expectations Majority of Mathematics expectations have been lifted with new MM See other teachers complete sessions in all levels so that you know the cohort moving through. Ruling of maths grid books consistent Abbreviated date is a mathematical skill SMART lessons
LITERACY and NUMERACY Setting minimum rigorous benchmarks Fast paced learning to manage the core curriculum Intense and rigorous instruction Moving away from learning centres and group work Warm ups and reviews Moving knowledge to long term memory Repetition and multiple exposures
Emphasis on time on task working noise Listening skills focused learning group work is teacher monitored Explicit instruction Bookwork presentation Roving Students actively engaged in the learning process FIRST 15 MINUTES OF DAY??
Everyone has a copy JS Common Language for teacher and student automatic response Literacy Di graph – two letters that make one sound (ea, ee) Tri-graph – three letters that make one sound (igh) Quad-graph – four letters that make one sound (ough) Morphograph – gives the word meaning ( est =the most) Syllable - A part of a word Short vowel sounds Long vowel sounds A good listener – looks at the speaker Noun – something you can see and touch Adjectives – describe nouns, go before nouns Verb – action word Adverb – ads to the verb Commas go after time connectives Numeracy What is a fraction – part of a whole Words for addition – add, sum, altogether, plus, total Words for subtraction – subtract, minus, how many left, take away, difference Words for multiplication – lots of, groups of, times, multiply, product Words for division – divide, split, share between, how many each, Regroup – not borrow or trade YCDI Gary Get Along Charlie Confidence Penny Persistence Olivia Organisation Rosie Resilience Science Hypothesis – guess, estimate Procedure sentences start with verbs