By Ryan T. and Brian Grade 5
The tropical rainforest is mostly found in Latin America The tropical rainforest is mostly found in Latin America.There are four layers,the highest emergent,the canopy,the understory and the forest floor.The climate is very humid.There is a lot of rainfall.The average temperature is seventy-seven degrees fahrenheit .
Many plants and trees live in the tropical rainforest Many plants and trees live in the tropical rainforest. The liana is a woody vine that hangs across the rainforest trees. Carnivorous plants such as the venus flytrap grow in the rainforest. It obtains nutrients from animal matter. It traps and digests insects.Bromeliads are related to the pineapple family.Their waxy, thick leaves form a bowl to catch rain water.
(Continuing from slide 2) The orchid is common to the rainforest. It is a flowering plant and grows on trees in the rainforest and not in the soil.
The howler monkey is the loudest land animal The howler monkey is the loudest land animal. They have long tails to help them swing from tree to tree. The anteater has great hearing to hear their prey which are ants. They have long tongue to help them get water or ants. The toucan has four toes two facing forwards and two facing backwards to help them walk on branches. They have a long beak which
(Continue slide 5) helps them get fruit and small animals. The poison Arrow frog has poison all over it body to survive. They use their skin to communicate with other animals. If it has bright colors it tell other animals it is poisonous. They have pads to help them cling to things. Jaguars are good swimmers. They have strong jaws which help them catch and eat animals easier.
The macaw is found in southern Brazil The macaw is found in southern Brazil.They are the largest parrot in the world.There are only 2,500 macaws left. Another endangered species is the pygmy marmoset. The pygmy marmoset is only 6 ounces.They eat fruit,insects,leaves and spiders. They make holes in trees and get the sap out. At night they go to their tree holes
Endangered Species
We learned that that the rainforest are being destroyed We learned that that the rainforest are being destroyed. It is terrible because it has more than half of the world population of animals live in the tropical rainforest. There is more endangered species every day in the rainforest because people are making space to build houses.