Kommunikatsiooniteenuste arendus IRT0080 Loeng 1 Avo Ots telekommunikatsiooni õppetool, TTÜ raadio- ja sidetehnika inst. avo.ots@ttu.ee
Tehnoloogiad TEENUSED Võrgutehnoloogia: kanalitehnoloogia võrgusõlme tehnoloogia TEENUSED RIISTVARA & TARKVARA
UNI UNI Application Layer CPE CPE NNI NNI Service Layer Transmission Network CPE CPE NNI NNI Service Layer Switching Network Switching Network Switching Network Transmission Layer Transmission Network Transmission Network NNI NNI Physical Layer Physical Network Physical Network NNI Physical Network Physical Interface Logical Interface Service Access Point
Service Components Service Control Service Switching Service Access Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Independent Block Service Logic Service Logic Service Control Service Switching Service Switch Service Switch Service Switch Service Switch Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Service Access Session Control (Circuit Switching control) Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session Call/ Session
Client Server Application Layer Server Server Server CPE IP CPE IP ISP Applications ISP Applications ISP Applications CPE IP CPE IP Network Layer Packet Switching Network Packet Switching Network IP NNI Transmission Layer Transmission Network Transmission Network NNI Transmission Network Physical Interface Logical Interface Service Access Point
Telecom basic service/call control Off-line customer management Transmission Access Service Terminal Telecom basic service/call control Off-line customer management Extended call control and IN charging Linear Service Architecture in Legacy Network: Static Services A Terminal B Portal Transmission Access Session Service Control Service A Home Service B Home Service A User Service Management B User Service Two-Dimension Service Architecture in NGN: Active Services
Profiilid terminal (laptop/PDA) application server profile server AAA server user profile: operator’s information about user personal preferences: for choice of access etc. network characteristics: bandwidth, cost, QoS, operator, ... terminal capabilities: screen size, processing capacity, ... access wizard: support for access selection link manager: access discovery access manager: access selection access wizard agent GUI Mobile IP client application Mobile IP Foreign Agent Home Agent
Võrgukomponendid ja haldus
Teenused võrgu kaudu
Lüüs/marsruuter G R
Kihid 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Füüsiline (ühendus) Kanal Võrk Transport Seanss Esitlus Rakendus Application Presentation Session Network Data link Physical SSL, WSP RFC 791 IP, RFC 792 ICMP TCP RFC 793, UDP RFC 768 WAE, HTTP, RFC821,822 ISO 8859-15 IEEE 802.11a Cat5, RS-232D
Võrgud communication networks switched networks broadcast networks packet-switched networks circuit-switched networks (e.g. telephone) datagram networks (e.g. Internet) virtual circuit- switched networks (e.g. ATM)
Ülemise ja alumised kihid Lower three layers are hop-by-hop Next two layers are end-to-end Application Transport Network Datalink Physical Physical medium
Andmeülekanne (loogiline) application transport network link physical data ack
Andmeülekanne (füüsiline) application transport network link physical data
Sõnumiülekanne source destination application transport network link datagram application transport network link physical source destination M H t n l message segment frame
Vahekihid Telnet FTP packet radio coaxial cable fiber optic HTTP HTTP
Funktsioonijaotus The application knows the requirements best, place functionality as high in the layer as possible If the application can implement a functionality correctly, implement it at a lower layer only as a performance enhancement Think twice before implementing a functionality that you believe that is useful to an application at a lower layer
Töökindlus router sender receiver L2 L2 L1 L1 L1 Solution 1: make each step reliable, and then concatenate them Solution 2: end-to-end check and retry
Töökindluse tagamine The receiver has to do the check anyway! Thus, full functionality can be entirely implemented at the upper layer; no need for reliability from lower layers Is there any need to implement reliability at lower layers? L1 L2 sender receiver
Teenuste keskkond
Voogude kulg Security Measures Signaling Networks Transport / Signaling Path RTP & Payload Signaling Networks Transport / Interconnect Networks Access Networks (Wireline & Wireless) Subnet 1 Subnet 2 Subnet 3 Subnet 4
Enterprise or Peer Point Network Teenuste tagamine Security Measures Reroute Valid Traffic Signaling Networks Signaling Path Transport / Interconnect Networks DOS Attack Access Networks (Wireline & Wireless) Enterprise or Peer Point Network
Kokkuühendamine SS7 Network Rec. Q.931 Rec. Q.700 series IETF RFCs ATM Networks IWF PSTN/ISDN Rec. Q.2931, PNNI Frame Relay Networks IP-based Networks Rec. Y.1310 IETF RFCs Rec. I.555 Rec. I.580 Rec. Q.931 ATM OSF & NM, M series Rec. SNMP based FR OSF & NM SS7 Network Rec. Q.700 series Wireless access
Hajutatud töökeskkond Filiaal Firma INTERNET ISP ISP DNS Kaugtöökohad MAIL
Backbone network design layers
Routed Backbone
Collapsed backbone
Central Parking’s collapsed backbone
ATM Encapsulation
Võrkude ühiskasutus cdma2000 1x operator 1 Adhoc Network operator 2 IP Ethernet Adhoc Network cdma2000 1x operator 1 operator 2 GPRS Edge WLAN Web Server IP
Võrguliikluse jaotus
Network Intelligence Servers Service Provider Servers Võrgud ja terminaalid Network Intelligence Servers Terminals Service Provider Servers client application network applications applications Libraries Programming Libraries network capabilities Client resource controllers Network (PSTN, PLMN, IP) Resources and Special Resources
Protokollid http://www.private.org.il/tcpip_rl.html http://www.eix.co.uk/Ethernet/