Erosion and Deposition
What is Erosion? Erosion is the movement of sediment by wind, glaciers, moving water, ocean waves, or gravity.
What is Deposition? The dropping of sediment out of the wind, moving water, ocean waves, glaciers, or gravity and settling in a new place.- erosional force loses energy Creates new landforms.
Wind picks up sediment after it is weathered and moves it. Wind Erosion Wind picks up sediment after it is weathered and moves it.
Wind Deposition Sand Dunes – mounds of wind deposited sand. Move in direction of wind.
Wind Deposition Loess – very fertile sediments of Quartz, Feldspar, Mica, and clay deposited by the wind
Water Erosion Moving Water (rivers, ocean waves, rain, etc.) carries tons of sediment as it moves. Water is the main agent of erosion.
Water Deposition Floodplain- an area along a river that forms from sediments deposited when the river overflows its bank (freshwater) Deltas – a fan-shaped mass of material deposited at the mouth of a river or the ocean (freshwater) Alluvial Fans – fan-shaped mass of material deposited by a stream with a steep incline occurs on land (freshwater) Sand Bars – offshore deposit of sand, gravel, or shell material (oceans) Barrier Island- is a long narrow island forms along the coast- protects coastal regions from waves and storms (ocean waves) Beaches – deposited sand (ocean waves)
What did water create in each of these pictures? 5 2 3 1 2 SANDBAR DELTA BEACH 1 4 4 6 4 5.Barrier Island 6. Flood Plain ALLUVIAL FAN What did water create in each of these pictures?
Huge masses of moving ice carry and move metric tons of sediment. Glacier Erosion Huge masses of moving ice carry and move metric tons of sediment.
Glacial Deposition Till – unsorted, deposited rock material
Glacial Deposition Stratified Drift – layers of rock deposited based on size
Glacial Deposition Moraine- is a ridge of sediment and rock left behind when a glacier melts
Glacial Deposition U-Shaped Valley-a steep-sided valley caused by glacial erosion
Gravity Erosion Sediments fall (sediments move down slope due to the force of Gravity) The Steeper the slope the faster the sediments move down the slope
Gravity Erosion Angle of Repose is the steepest angle, or slope at which a material will not slide down.
gravity is a force that moves material down a slope Gravity Deposition Mass Movement gravity is a force that moves material down a slope Landslide - rock & soil move quickly down a slope (slump most common type of landslide) Rock Slide/Fall- Rocks moving quickly down slope Creep – slow, downhill movement of rock/ soil. Mudflow – mud flows down a slope during heavy rains- happens quickly Avalanche – snow moves quickly down a slope
What type of mass movement is each picture? LANDSLIDE MUDFLOW 2 1 What type of mass movement is each picture? CREEP SLUMP 4 3
Erosion and Deposition Exit Ticket List one agent / cause of Erosion, describe how it erodes the surface of the Earth, and the landforms that are created when the agent drops the sediments that it is carrying.