Auto Guard of North Georgia How would you like to own your Mobil Detailing Business? You are off to a good start with Auto Guard "The Waterless Vehicle Cleaner Wax. A group of National Mobil Detailers.
Goals for a Great Business Goals for a Great Business One of the finest quality products on the market. Approved for the USAF. Others Clients like Georgia Tech, National Race Car Drivers, and your neighbor. Personal attention for your customers. Low Overhead, High Returns.
Description Auto Guard business is a Show and Sell business. When you show the Auto Guard products you will make a sale*. When you clean ten cars a day at $30.00 each, your total cost should be about $20.00 and your receipts for the day is $ What can you make doing this 5 days a week? * Auto Guard national average is about 80% FOR MORE INFO...
Competitive Analysis Competitors –Yes there are other products that claim to be like Auto Guard but they are not. Strengths –Four! 1. Removes Oxidation, others do not, 2.Cleans 3.Waxes with Carnuaba Wax, 4. All without the use of water. Weaknesses –cannot be used on wet vehicles.
Analysis and Benefits NEVER need that big water tank behind your truck. Your business is every where, every day. Places like Malls, Strip Malls, Hospital's, Doctors Offices, Attorneys offices, House to House, Schools, Hotels and so many more. *Get your flyer information from your Auto Guard Distributor and increase your business. FOR MORE INFO...
Technology? New technology being used with the old fashion wipe on and wipe off. No mess, never get anyone wet with the OOP's, Im sorry. Never need to get inside the vehicle. Pay day every day for each completed job.
Team/Resources You will be part of the National Auto Guard BIG Team; –You are Mobile To Go where your Clients are. –Full support from your Distributor. –We manufacture our own products. –Quality is always high. –Service is always available.
Procedures You will be able to go to your clients and work a route. You will be able to hire others and have three or four crews working at the same time. All purchases will be wholesale*. *Wholesale purchases are in case lots only. FOR MORE INFO...
Heres how it works for you! You Qualify as a CERTIFIED Auto Guard Detailer. You purchase your starting kit for only Nine Hundred and Ninety Five Dollars. Your retail return for all the material you receive is over,$4,500.00*. *If you follow the formula that is set by Auto Guard and there suggested use of the products. FOR MORE INFO...
Current Status For Your Business High-yield overview in progress with low over-head expense. –Cleaning cars, trucks, airplanes, cabs, limos, funeral home vehicles and etc. –You can set up at any area without water or electricity. –Earn cash money daily. –Be part of Auto Guard National Mobil Detailers. You have the advantages of being part of the big Company.
What do we receive? All the cleaning material and equipment you need to start today. Signs for your vehicle. Marketing material. Certificate from Auto Guard as part of a National Company. Purchase all your material wholesale. Free Bonus money from every purchase.
What is the Bonus Program? We at Auto Guard will place into a saving account for you 5% of all Material you have purchased each month. After you have been with Auto Guard for six months you will receive a check every December 1st for half the amount in your account. The other half will be an emergency account fund for you*. This is a bonus paid by Auto Guard, you do not put any of your money into this. * At the discretion of an Officer of Auto Guard of North Georgia.
How Do I Benefit From This? We desire to have an Auto Guard Family and this is our little part in helping you. Many people cannot afford to save in this day and time, we will do it for you. We appreciate your monthly business and this is the best way we can show it. Why six months? Because we know that in that time frame you will become a better Auto Guard Detailer and will have earned this extra respect.
How Do I Get Started? Have the desire to start Now. Pass the Questionnaire. Purchase the Wholesale Detailers Kit. Be willing to show Auto Guard products. Follow the Auto Guard Program. Share your success with others. Be proud of your labor. Have a good attitude.