Welcome to Year 2. A very warm welcome to all our parents from the Year 2 team. Skylarks- Mrs. Dix and Ms. Bush Goldfinches Monday - Thursday Mrs. Hines and Mrs. Foster Friday Mr R. Cornaby and Mrs Foster
Preparing the children for learning in Year 2 We expect the children to be independent and to be able to organise: reading folder/reading record books water bottle sweatshirts, PE kits, plimsolls, art aprons-named please homework and letters Please leave your child at the gate every morning at 8.45am. If you need to speak with us, it is best to catch us after school when we can arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.
Information for supporting your child at home Mathematics Information for supporting your child at home Is on our school website. http://www.thebellbird.cambs.sch.uk/homework-help/
Reading in Year 2 Reading continues to be at the heart of the English curriculum. Reading Record Books – need to be brought in to school every day. Please keep the record books in the clear plastic zip folder. The children have been placed into three groups and books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If you can help to change the children’s books on any of these days, please see your child’s class teacher.
The Reading Curriculum includes; Independent Reading – easy text, 95%-100% accuracy. Guided Reading – instructional text, 90%-94% accuracy. Shared Reading – a hard text, 80%-89% accuracy The Reading Curriculum includes; shared reading guided reading regular independent reading - individual - group and paired home/school reading hearing books read aloud on a regular basis selecting their own choice of texts reading whole texts and on screen making close links between reading and writing reading in other subject areas All of these are essential because they offer different opportunities to develop fluent, enthusiastic and critical readers. 6
Reading in Year 2 Please listen to your child read for at least 15 – 20 minutes most days. Guided reading with the teacher.
Useful Websites www.oxfordowl.co.uk
Roald Dahl Day Wednesday 12th September 2018
The School Library Once a week, the children will have the opportunity to choose a book from any section of the library. In the centre of the reading record books, the adult librarian will record the title of the book and the date the book needs to be returned to school. Children will have up to two weeks to read the library books. If a book is lost or returned in a damaged state, then a damaged book letter will be given to the child to take home. Library books need to be kept in the clear plastic zip wallets. Once a library day has been allocated then parents will be informed.
Can you help?
Our topic overview
Key knowledge and topic vocabulary
Home learning
Spellings and Spotlight Words Disgusting Mouldy Revenge
Any questions? Thank you for attending this meeting and we look forward to an exciting year ahead! The home learning tasks, topic web and key knowledge and vocabulary will be on the school website.