By Leah, Samantha, Sabrina, Allexus Crocard By Leah, Samantha, Sabrina, Allexus
Psychologist Backbone, cold blooded, feathers, scales, and weights 325 pounds When sacred it try's to eat it or fly's away it helps because then the predator won’t eat or harm him Fly's to get food from tall trees it helps because it won’t have to starve and die’s It’s body parts are wings, snot, talents, scales, some feathers, and a flat tail that goes down it important because so they can move and eat
It lives in Amazon rain forest in South America Environmentalist It lives in Amazon rain forest in South America The crockcard is cold blooded A crockcard life spand is 50 to 76 years
Nutritionist Eats fish, turtle, small animals, and wild fruit Omnivore It breathes threw nostrils when it is in the swamp
Engineer The crockcard has wings to help it fly and catch food It has sharp teeth to help eat meat It is a Vertebrate so has a backbone Ley eggs Flys and walks Breathe though nostrils and nose
Interesting facts Some of the predators to a crockcard is hawks, owl, and people it is 15 feet long