PBS KIDS Island http://pbskids.org/island/
PBS KIDS Raising Readers & Ready To Learn Mission Use public media that is both engaging and educational to build the reading skills of children ages of 2-8, especially those from low-income families.
What is PBS KIDS Island? PBS KIDS Island is the web centerpiece of the PBS KIDS Raising Readers national literacy initiative, which is funded by cooperative agreement between the US Department of Education and the Ready To Learn Partnership.
What is PBS KIDS Island? A web site which provides free reading games and activities for children, parents, caregivers and teachers to use at home or in the classroom. Use the power of the Web to help your students build valuable skills to improve their reading skills!
Grounded in research The initiative involves a significant commitment to research – with more than 60 research studies underway. This research directs investigation at all stages and in diverse areas that include social marketing, reading pedagogy, and media usage. This work is conducted by leading researchers at universities, foundations and global research firms.
It taps into the power of characters to increase learning Story and character are historically powerful conventions for learning – and the bond between children and characters on public television shows is well known. Programs and activities that are a part of the Ready to Learn Initiative make frequent use of characters to help young people recognize letters, form words and develop reading skills.
Who are these characters anyway? Sesame Street Between the Lions Super Why Word World Martha Speaks The New Electric Company
Web Literacy Framework X = Between The Lions X = Super Why! X = Sesame Street X = WordWorld
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