HR Wallingford – ENV2012 – Env. Hazards Originally Government Hydraulics Research Station (1947) privatised in 1982 HR Wallingford Independent RTO (AIRTO / EARTO), non profit distributing with company funding >€1M RTD Turnover ~ €28 M Offices internationally with more than half our work outside of the UK Growing SME – over 240 staff – strong links with both academia and industry Active in science / policy interface, putting research into practice Mark Morris (Principal Engineer) Flood Management Group HR Wallingford, UK +44 1491 82 22 83 Page 1
HR Wallingford – skills & experience HR Wallingford has over 20 years continuous experience of research and coordination of European research Roles as Coordinator, Key Partner, specific RTD actions Specific expertise / experience in hydrological risk, for example the coordination of: FLOODsite [ ] IMPACT [ ] MITCH ACTIF Plus extensive contributions to national research programmes Page 2
HR Wallingford – proposal HR Wallingford is developing a proposal under 6.4-1 SOTERIA Greek god for safety and protection from harm… Looking for more partners in financial and social sciences sectors Contact Prof. Paul Samuels Also interested in participating with any proposals / projects 6.4-2 / 6.4-3 requiring work related to any physical aspects of flooding Page 3