Introduced Species Affects on Ecosystems
Introduced Species Native species Introduced species Naturally inhabit an area Introduced species Introduced to area beyond its natural range a.k.a. non-native species, alien species
Introduced species Introduced species can include: Plants Animals Microorganisms Arrive in new areas by Ship Airplane Other human transport
Introduced species Introduced species can be harmless not adapted to survive in new area Introduced species can be beneficial European leaf-feeding beetle
Invasive species Species is invasive if: Climate is favourable Few natural predators in new area Food is abundant & lacks defense Out-competes native species for resources
Impacts Invasive species exploit a niche in ecosystem Causes dramatic change to ecosystem
Impacts Competition Invasive species can be better at getting resources than native species Food Shelter Carpet Burweed Saltspring Island
Impacts Predation Invasive species can have devastating impact on native prey Prey adaptations are for natural predators May not have defenses for introduced predator Yellow crazy ants Christmas Island, Australia
Impacts Parasitism / Disease Invasion of parasite or disease-causing microorganism causes weakness of immune system Disease, illness, death Whitebark Pine & blister rust
Impacts Habitat Alteration Invasive species can drastically change conditions in ecosystem Conditions no longer suitable for some native species
Solutions Invasive species removal Introduction of predator Scotch broom Introduction of predator Purple loosestrife & leaf-feeding beetle