Life under the Old Regime 18th Century European Social & Economic Structures
What was the Old Regime? Pre-Revolutionary (1789) Europe Era of Absolutism on the Continent Growing bureaucracies & military Active & involved Aristocracy Rigid social class system & mindset Traditional production & business methods
What were the features of the Old Regime?
Were There Aristocratic Variations?
What was the Life of the Peasant Like? Farmers & laborers “Free” Peasants >> England & France Serfs in Central & Eastern areas tied to the land, village, local Lord Heavy Taxes, Feudal dues, Service Revolt? Pugachev’s Rebellion 1773-75…change? Riots…change?
How Else Were Peasants Oppressed? English Game Laws – Gentry v. Peasant Aristocrats controlled access to game (food) Peasants suffered from malnutrition Poaching for survival Black Market Poaching for profit Scarcity leads people to act… lawfully or unlawfully
What Were Family Structures & Life Like During the Old Regime? NW Euro Model Nuclear + Servants b/c ↑ Mortality Rate Neo-localism Teens move out Servant / Apprentice ($) Late Marriage = Mid-20s Establish own home Eastern Euro Model Multi-generation HH Early Marriage Landlord controlled Serfs stayed on land Labor supply Approval of marriage Re-marriage
How was the Family Based Economy Organized? Household is basic unit Outsider? Different? = Suspicion All family members worked / contributed Father – Mother – Children – Early Teen Husband – Wife partnership Farm life v. Artisan life
How did Women & Children fare in the 18th c. Family Economy? Lack of Opportunity Household is key Train at home Move out >> Dowry Establish your own HH Marriage $$ - sex – ego needs Children Burden >> birth control Family size variation Reality of Children Child = vulnerablility Wet Nursing Infanticide Foundling Homes