Bacteria & Viruses
4 Ways to Identify Bacteria Shape Cocci Bacillus Spirochete
Cell Wall Peptidoglycan – in bacteria cell wall Gram (+) Purple Gram (-) Red
Flagella Slime Layer None Movement Flagella Slime Layer None
Oxygen Needs of Bacteria Oxygen at top Facultative Anaerobe Obligate Aerobe Obligate Anaerobe
Human uses for bacteria
Pathogens – Bacteria that cause disease Two Ways Bacteria Cause Disease Produce Toxins (Food poisoning) Damage Tissue
Controlling Bacterial Growth Antibiotics – Slows growth; does not kill bacteria Disinfectants – Chemical that kills bacteria Sterilization – Heat, pressure, gas that kills bacteria Refrigeration – Slows growth; does not kill bacteria Canning – High heat to kill bacteria Chemical Treatments – Preservatives in food; slows growth; does not kill
Virus – Obligate Parasite – Must have a host to survive and multiply Capsid DNA or RNA
Lytic Cycle of a Virus
Lysogenic Cycle of a Virus
How Vaccines Work
Retroviruses Have RNA which needs Reverse Transcriptase to convert into DNA and then added into host DNA for replication of virus
Prions – Infectious Proteins when eaten target specific tissues such as the brain Mad Cow Disease Scrapies in Sheep