2018 Contractor Safety Training What's New – What's Hot
What’s New. Video and Website with Video link for training. Do not post the video or other information. Link is provided. Contractors are responsible for maintaining information security. An update is in the works – must use the most current version. Access Control: 1. Electronic Check In/Out. Fill in completely. All kiosks tied together. Show dispatcher proof of training sticker to speed the process. 2. New Paper mill employee entrance Cumberland St. lots 2&3 contractors restricted to area on north side of lot (away from employee entrance). PM side door is closed and alarmed. Do not use without permission except in emergency 3. Temporary badges available through Plant Protection Demolition – Several demolition projects are running at our facility. Please do not enter these areas without permission. Traffic routes have changed. Reduced parking on the concrete bridge.
What’s New cont’ Walking/Working Surfaces Standard for General Industry – focus on ladders and fall protection. 4 ft. prevention plan baseline. 6 ft. fall protection plan. Ladders a focus area for this mill. Department of Labor training on subject will be held 6/21/18 – you are invited! Strike Back Against “Struck Againsts” – Tell Me. Initiative started in Utilities. Identify Struck Against hazards and Tell someone.
Not so New but Still Important PPE (safety glasses, hearing protection, safety shoes) - now required prior to entering buildings unless it is an office area directly accessible from outside door. Electronic Devices – use in break rooms and offices or in safe areas only. No work (including confined space attendants) or movement. Ladders - No wooden or metal portable ladders. Drone Use - Requires permission Hazard communication and global harmonization system. Safety Data Sheets vs MSDSs. Icons vs text. New labels needed. If resident contractor must provide updated information on any material stored on site. Crane Plans are needed for any machine that has a lifting device. Check list is available (includes licensing, inspection, load ratings, ground review, etc.) Water/Coffee: Not readily available from faucets. Provide accordingly
What’s Hot Subcontractors – Generals are responsible for subcontractors and ensuring they follow SAPPI rules and providing plans and paperwork as requested. Proof of Training Before using any SAPPI equipment get permission and provide proof of training (cranes,etc) Welding Gas Storage/Use: Minimum on site Proper storage especially when not in use Ladder Use - Stable platform vs ladder vs. broke carts, tables, & piping - Proper ladder for application - Tie off ladder/ tie off person - Ladder footing (stable, even base, with feet) - Ladder condition including labels - Storage
What’s Hot Theft/contraband Searches will be conducted Fall Protection: Pre-planning and rescue plans. Fall protection – use proper anchor points and proper lanyards use. Individual fall rescue plans are required. “Call PPD” is not adequate. Theft/contraband Searches will be conducted Have paperwork for all materials removed from site Label tools No smoking/vaping/e-cigs/recreational drugs in alternative forms, etc.
What’s Hot Accountability - Contractors are expected to report to Gate #9 when arriving on site. Sign in / sign out Must get out of your vehicle and sign in and out with the dispatcher. - Only vehicles with company signage will be allowed on site. Traffic Control /Congestion/Contractors parking on-site shall park only in designated areas. Hotwork Permits, Line Breaking Permits, Ground Penetration, and Confined Space Permits are to be closed out on a daily basis. All permits shall be returned to the dispatch center at Gate #9. All permits are closed out with the dispatcher at Gate #9.
Concerns From This Past Year Welding Gases: Proper storage and cart set up Ladder Use: Stable platform vs ladder vs. broke carts, tables, & piping Proper ladder for application Tie off ladder/ tie off person Ladder footing (stable, even base, with feet) Ladder condition including labels Lockout Verification New installations (when is lockout needed) Housekeeping – the work is not complete until the area is cleaned upon completion of the job. Properly dispose of waste. Smoking on Sappi property Distractions Traffic and Unloading stations Cellphones Impact on others (falling debris/tools, exhaust fumes, etc.)
Preparation for Annual Outage Annual outage. May 7-11. Scattered Power outages throughout week. Plan ahead Complete your safety training ahead of time. Website is available Can provide own sign up sheet for respective companies if we know ahead of time 3 Vehicles (with id) per company within gated areas. Notify PPD in advance if supervisors or safety reps come in and out or they may have to wait. No id, no entry. Fill out the sign in sheet completely including vehicle registration numbers. Know your SAPPI Contact. Have crew know name too. Make sure safety pre-plan is complete Verify lockouts If in doubt – ASK!
Summary If you’re unsure about something contact your planner…. Ask the question before there is an issue or before someone gets hurt. Suggestions on ways to improve are appreciated and welcomed. Contact jean.wheat@sappi.com or dana.beaulieu@sappi.com Pre-planning! Makes for a safer work area.
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