Evaluation of performance aspects of the Auto-ID Infrastructure Kai Sachs (TU Darmstadt) Supervisors: Christof Bornhoevd (SAP) Mariano Cilia (TU Darmstadt) Evaluation of performance aspects of the Auto-ID Infrastructure
CONTENTS Auto-ID Infrastructure Measurement Approach Results of the Experiments Final Conclusions
Auto-ID Infrastructure Measurement Approach Results of the Experiments Final Conclusions
SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure 2.0 (AII) AII: Overview (1) SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure 2.0 (AII) Middleware solution Receiving RFID data from data capture sources (e.g. RFID devices) Integrates the data into enterprise applications. Early prototype
SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure (AII) Auto-ID Cockpit (Web User Interface) AII: Overview (2) The illustration below shows an overview of SAP RFID landscape: Reader Device Controller SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure (AII) SAP Exchange Infrastructure (XI) SAP R/3 RFID Tags Backend AII LLI XML/PML XML IDoc Auto-ID Cockpit (Web User Interface) Traffic Generator Traffic Generator From: SAP RFID Solution Package SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure 2.0 (AII) Theory
Integration Layer (XI) Auto-ID Node System Architecture Auto-ID Cockpit Auto-ID Node DC BE IDoc XML Message Dispatcher Activities XML Integration Layer (XI) Communication Layer Communication Layer XML TG IDoc BE Rule Engine AIN Repository From: SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure
CONTENTS Auto-ID Infrastructure Measurement Approach Results of the Experiments Final Conclusions
Test Environment
What should be observed? Experiments settings Multiple readers Message size System behavior CPU load IO Activities Single processes Memory … Throughput Components on the Auto – ID Infrastructure Gross Times Gross CPU Times Customized Traffic Generator Microsoft Performance Customized Traffic Generator JARM
Microsoft Performance Part of Microsoft Windows 2000 & XP System Monitor Allows to observe: Single processes IO Activities CPU load … Observations could be logged in a CSV - file.
JARM Allows observation of Java components Provides averages values and sums per component Hierarchies of components are possible Results are accessible through Visual Administrator Needs source code modifications! Problems, if JMS is used
JARM Measurement Points Auto-ID Cockpit Auto-ID Node DC BE IDoc XML Message Dispatcher Activities XML Integration Layer (XI) Communication Layer Communication Layer XML TG IDoc BE Rule Engine AIN Repository
JARM Measurement Points Auto-ID Cockpit Auto-ID Node DC BE IDoc XML Message Dispatcher Activities XML Integration Layer (XI) Communication Layer Communication Layer XML TG IDoc BE Rule Engine AIN Repository Parser Rule Processor HTTP
Customized Traffic Generator Based on SAP Traffic Generator Used to simulate reader observations New logging functions were added Every sent request can be logged Allows better review of throughput Other new functions: Add Timeframes for experiments Send a defined number of messages Possibility to run different scripts parallel Scenario – Definitions …
CONTENTS Auto-ID Infrastructure Measurement approach Results of the Experiments Conclusion
Results of Experiments CPU Load IO Activities Throughput J2EE Components of the Auto-ID Node Different VM settings Settings of Message Dispatcher
Results of Experiments CPU Load IO Activities Throughput J2EE Components of the Auto-ID Node Different VM settings Settings of Message Dispatcher
CPU Load Fall down Incursions
CPU Load Incursions and the observed fall down have heavy influence on the average CPU load CPU load differ for the experiments Throughput depends on CPU load Need for a key figure for comparison of the different experiments.
IO Activities I Savepoints of MaxDB
IO Activities II Savepoints of MaxDB
IO Activities III MaxDB Savepoints have a significant influence on the system behavior. Settings for MaxDB Savepoint intervals can be changed. Influence of Savepoints is bigger, if the files are fragmented. The Savepoints could not explain the CPU load fall down in the end of the experiment time frame!!!
Different message sizes Throughput Different message sizes 9 EPCs per message 45 EPCs per message 90 EPCs per message 900 EPCs per message Multiple readers 1 simulated reader 3 simulated readers 5 simulated readers 7 simulated readers 10 simulated Reader
Throughput II
Throughput III
Throughput IV
Throughput V Conclusions: Influence of message size: Bigger message size Higher throughput in no. of EPCs per sec. Influence of multiple simulated RFID readers: Throughout increases up to n reader; decreases after that Throughput decreases over time
Auto-ID Node Components
Auto-ID Node Components
Auto-ID Node Components II
Auto-ID Node Components III
Auto-ID Node Components IV Conclusions: Gross Times scale linear for different message sizes. The activities are the dominating part of the Auto-ID Node. The activities are dominated by database accesses.
CONTENTS Auto-ID Infrastructure Measurement Approach Results of the Experiments Final Conclusions
Final Conclusions I CPU Load: CPU load has short incursions Number of simulated readers has no influence on the CPU load Message size influences the proportions of the system processes regarding CPU load CPU load decrease at the end of the experiment time frame IO Activities: MaxDB Savepoints have a significant influence on the system behavior Throughput: Throughput is higher for larger messages Throughput decreases over time Throughput depends on number of readers
Final Conclusions II Components of the Auto-ID Node: Auto-ID Node components scale linear Rule Activities are the dominating component Performance of Activities is dominated by database accesses Number of simulated readers has significant influence on the Gross Time Settings of Java Virtual Machine: Heap size is the most important parameter for higher throughput JMS settings of Message Dispatcher: Throughput is lower, if JMS is used. Gross Time is higher, if JMS is used.