Bus/Chaperone lists are posted outside BOTH theater doors if you have not seen them. Please pick up a green early dismissal slip AND salmon-colored packet. Feel free to read through it while we wait to begin. Washington D.C. 2018
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Early Release on May 9th Students going on the trip will be permitted to leave school at 2:45 PM, not before. Return the GREEN early release permission form before the 4th of May to the FRONT OFFICE. You can turn in completed forms tonight to box on your way out. On the 9th, students will be sent to the theater for early dismissal.
Drop off on the 9th Students need to be back to school no earlier than 4:40– We will be leaving by 5:00. Do not return to the school before this time as it will interrupt dismissal. Students that are not leaving at 2:45 – will report to connections. Students not checking out, will need to house their luggage in the Guidance Suite. Please contact Dr. Schmid. Students will go to a designated room where they will check in and wait with their chaperone. Parents will give all medications/directions to the chaperone in a plastic Ziploc bag in its original container. Make sure you update the medical information if it has changed. Parents please say “goodbye” quickly to your child after you check in with the chaperone.
What to pack for the bus? Students will NOT have access to their luggage until Thursday night – they will need to have a little bag for the bus. Dinner/snacks for the bus on Thursday night. *NO peanut or peanut products. *ONLY water allowed on bus. *Nothing TOO messy or crumby, kids must keep bus clean Spending money – All meals are included (besides a dinner Wed on bus). Bring change (if desired) for vending machines. Phone and charger Electronics- school is NOT responsible for electronics or other personal items/belongings.
Packing for DC… (see detailed list) Comfortable shoes – a lot of walking. (we recommend at least two pairs in case one gets wet due to weather) Rain jacket/sweatshirt Shirts – Thursday – Sapphire blue shirt, Friday – Neon green shirt, Saturday – 8th grade shirt. Shorts/pants/jeans- black/navy/white/denim/khaki/gray/blue NO ATHLETHIC SHORTS/YOGA PANTS WHILE TOURING WASHINGTON
Ground Rules (see detailed rules in packet) PLEASE check your child’s bags before they leave for items not permitted at school. Souvenirs need to be appropriate and follow school rules – chaperones will take away any items that are “illegal”(laser pointers, shot glasses, any other items that reference drugs, alcohol, weapons, or sex). Remember that this is a school trip and all Cobb County rules apply. Students are to follow the instructions from ANY chaperone on the field trip. (Please read last page of your packet and review with your child).
Parent Chaperones: Darren Marcuzzi Mike Benson Shelly McClain Susan Morabit (Nurse 2) Kathryn Muraoka Jeri Opdal-Green Lee Poage Bronwen Richardson Debi Roseen Mark Schmetterer Sue Sengpiel Jeremy Simpson David Smith Therese Wicht Mike Benson Neal Currin Christian DiBlasi Maggie Dougherty Matt Gatto Bridget Gavino (Nurse) Todd Helms Jamie Hemken Marc Horvath Coleen Hosack Monte Jump Martha Kairuz Michael King David Laushey
Water Donations It gets hot and the students get thirsty while touring. We ask for water bottle donations. These will be split up amongst the 6 buses. These can be sent into school starting May 1st. Can be dropped off to front office or brought to the 8th grade office.