Jester 3 Correctional Ministry Volunteer Opportunities


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Presentation transcript:

Jester 3 Correctional Ministry Volunteer Opportunities Under the guidance of the Office of Correctional Ministries for the Archdiocese Galveston/Houston Ministry Coordination and Volunteer Support from Society of Saint John DeMatha, St. Saint Laurence Catholic Church, St. Faustina Catholic Church, and other local institutions

Matthew 25: 35-40 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.’

Our Mission The Jester 3 Correctional Ministry exists to bring Christ’s healing to offenders and their families, by giving prison offenders a road to Salvation, their families back a loving and caring man, and society a productive individual that in the name of Christ will support and love them again.

Where We Do It Beauford H. Jester III Unit is a Texas Department of Criminal Justice prison located in Fort Bend County. The unit is along Grand Parkway SH 99, About 10 miles from Saint Laurence and 13 miles southeast of St. Faustina’s Catholic Church.* *Other programs outside of the prison are carried on at multiple locations

Jester 3 Correctional Ministry Factoids 2004 Founded by a team of Catholics from St. Laurence Church in Sugar Land, and led by Deacon Al Bothe, Founder and Emeritus Leader under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston 2013 Society of St. John DeMatha formed by Deacon Al Bothe and St. Laurence parishioners to assist inmates in make successful transitions – spiritually, emotionally and financially – to a life outside of prison. Cardinal Daniel DiNardo gave Canonical Recognition to the Society as a Private Association of the Christian Faith in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 2016 Pastoral support for this Ministry includes: Archdiocese of Galveston/Houston (1 Priest), Saint Laurence ( ), Saint Faustina (1 Priest and 1 Deacon). 20 lay volunteers are involved in this program. Held first UnBound Healing Program & first Kolbe Acts Retreat.

Jester 3 Correctional Ministry Factoids..cnt 2017 Implemented Baptism-Confirmation program Implementing Spanish RCIA program 2018 Implementing SSJD transition homes program. ( under implementation)

What We Do Volunteers from the Correctional Ministry bring Christ in Word and in Eucharist into jails and prisons. Their visits offer everything from a sympathetic ear to communion services, faith sharing, counseling, Bible studies, retreats, and sacramental preparation

Main Activities of the Ministry Sacrament Meetings Confessions Mass services Other Sacraments RCIA Program Prepare Offenders for Baptism, Confirmation and continue Catholic education SSDM Classes Prepare Offenders for Life after Prison Mentoring Services In Prison and in Transition SSDM Transition Housing All of these activities are happening in separate sessions; however, they are all coordinated and complement each other

Sacrament Meetings Focus on providing weekly Mass services. Administer the Sacrament of Reconciliation and other Sacraments. Held weekly on Wednesdays from 6-8 pm. During these sessions: Register offenders that need transition homes upon release. Provide registration for SSJD classes and the RCIA program. Hand out information on all programs Presently supported by three Priests, one Deacon and six volunteers

RCIA and Continuing Catholic Education Held every Monday from 6 to 8 pm RCIA program prepares offenders for Baptism and Confirmation Uses a documented process for Confirmation education In the process of implementing Spanish sessions Continuing Catholic Education Provides ongoing support for offenders to further develop their knowledge about the Catholic faith Encourages offenders with strong faith development and knowledge to help educating other offenders Started Unbound healing program in March 2017. More sessions planned in 2017 Currently supported by 7 volunteers

SSJD Development Classes Skills for successful living Gives offenders the knowledge to transition to a productive life after departing prison Classes held at Jester 3 on Thursdays and Fridays from 6 pm to 8 pm and at the transition homes after departing prison Four classes are being given: Social Values, Substance Use, Peer Relationships, and Skills for Successful Living. Each class lasts 4 weeks Currently there are 10 volunteers in this program

Graduation Classes At Jester 3 Facilities

Transition Housing for Offenders Managed by the SSJD group to find offenders suitable temporary housing when transitioning from Prison to a permanent housing situation. SSJD is a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting ex-offenders in their efforts to transition into a productive life. Board of Directors is led by Deacon Al Bothe and President Joe Guarisco. We presently have a board with 12 members that meets monthly to review matters related to the program. Provides for up to 3 months of rental payments for transitional housing. Offenders in transition homes are required to perform work to stay at these homes. Presently looking for alternatives homes to Partner with SSJD

Mentoring Program Service given by a group of volunteers to individuals requiring support in transitioning to productive life. This is a one-on-one program, and offenders are assigned to individual mentors. Carried out both inside and outside of the prison Job placement support is also provided as part of this program. At this time this program is under going development.

How do you start to participate? First, we recommend for you to visit one or more of the programs to see if this ministry is a good fit for you. You can select programs given inside and/or outside of Prison. Three prison visits are allowed without volunteer certification. After you decide which part of the program suits you best, we will start your training. List of contacts will be given to you. If the program you select is inside of the prison programs, we will help you get authorized by the state of Texas to be a trained and approved volunteer. The process is comprised of one 4-hour session on a Saturday. The wait time for final approval can be up to six weeks. How do you start to participate?

Any Questions? Thanks for considering to support our Correctional Ministry END

Challenges and Activities (May, 2018) Pursuing a team of Spanish speaking RCIA (2 people) - one accepted Working on best reading for the Unbound Program, set up monthly sessions. Improve overall communications of the teams Implemented the process for obtaining certificates of Baptism and Confirmation. First certificates for 3 offenders were given last November. Understand the requirements and compliance of all Church regulations Coordination with the Saint Faustina Spanish Ladies Group support for our Prison Ministry. Continue to set best strategy to improve our attendees to our SSJD classes

Challenges and Activities (May, 2018)…cont The SSJD is pursuing alternative homes for offenders. Significant efforts by member of the Board in securing best options. Continue to develop the mentoring program. We have 4 volunteers and trying to add to this efforts. The classes for ex offenders on transition homes have been suspended. A new program will be consider moving forward.

to prepare our Offenders for Life after Prison Mentoring Services Sacrament Meetings Confessions Mass services Other Sacraments RCIA program Prepare our Offenders for Baptism, Confirmation and continue Catholic education SSDM Classes to prepare our Offenders for Life after Prison Mentoring Services In Prison and in transition SSDM Transition Housing