Overview Governor’s power limited due to Reactions to E. J. Davis Texas culture of individualism and traditionalism Concern of centralized government Plural executive – created to limit governor’s power
Plural Executive The Executive Branch as described in Article IV of the Texas Constitution is separated into different elected and appointed officials. The Governor has limited power over the elected bureaucracy.
Plural Executive
Gubernatorial Politics: Money and Media Media and money play dominant role in elections of governors. In 2002, Tony Sanchez spent $67 million on losing campaign to Governor Rick Perry. In 2006 and 2010, Governor Perry outspent his opponents and won both elections. Candidates must make good use of media and campaign contributions.
Gubernatorial Elections Formal Qualifications of Governor 30 years of age U.S. Citizen Five years of state residency preceding election
Gubernatorial Elections Informal Qualifications of Governor Party v. Ideology Gender Race Religion Profession Income Level Incumbency Education
Texas Governor
Texas Governor’s Compensation 2010 – 2011 – $150,000, which is set in the state budget Mansion Staff Travel Security – DPS
How Do We Compare? How do we compare…in Governor’s Compensation? How does Texas’ compensation of Governors compare to other largely populated states? How does Texas’ compensation of Governors compare to surrounding states’?
How Do We Compare?
Governor’s Order of Succession Lieutenant Governor Senate President Pro Tempore Speaker of the House Attorney General Chief Justices of 14 Texas Court of Appeals in ascending order
Impeachment Article XV Section 1 of the Texas Constitution explains process Articles of Impeachment begin in the Texas House of Representatives with a simple majority vote To remove the Governor – one or more of the articles must be approved by 2/3 Senators present. If convicted of impeachment, governor can no longer hold appointed or elected state office
Informal Powers of Governor Powers not based in law but power to persuade in order to convince public and government of policy and state goals Governor will make use of state ceremonies, speeches, and traditions The Governor’s Office assists in this process
The Office of the Governor
Texas Executive Power of the Governor Appointive Power Commander in Chief Power Law Enforcement Power Budgetary Power Executive Order and Proclamation Power Economic Development Power
Governor’s Appointment Power The authority to name a person to a government office Confirmed with “advise and consent” of the Texas Senate with two-thirds Senate consent Senatorial Courtesy Recessive Appointments Limitations on removal
Texas Appointment Power of the Governor Governor Perry’s Appointment Demographics (as of 2008) Gender Male 64% Female 36% Anglos 71% Latino/a 16% African American 11% Asian and other 2%
State Vacancies Temporarily fills state elected executives, Railroad Commissioners, State Board of Education members, and judges when they leave office before their term is completed, until the next general election Fills unoccupied Federal Senate seats until Special Election Calls special elections for unfilled state legislature seats and federal House of Representative seats
Governor as Commander in Chief Article IV Section 7 – provides that the governor is Commander in Chief for armed forces unless called into action by President of the United States Texas Army National Guard Texas Air National Guard Texas State Guard Martial Law
Governor’s Law Enforcement Power Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Public Safety Commission Texas Rangers
Governor’s Budgetary Power Two budgets made by the state to be reviewed by the State Legislature One budget is made by the Governor’s Office of Budget, Planning, and Policy Legislative Budget Board also submits budget Members of the Legislature review both Process influenced by Texas State Comptroller of Public Accounts Process influenced by governor’s veto and line item veto power
Governor’s Executive Order and Proclamations Power Rules followed like laws that set policy within the executive branch and create task forces, councils, and other bodies Can be limited by legislative and judicial actions Proclamations Official public announcement often used for ceremonial purposes
Governor’s Economic Development Power Texas Enterprise Fund TexasOne Texas Emerging Technology Fund
Point/Counterpoint Executive Order RP65 Should the Governor Direct by Executive Order the Vaccination of Girls Against HPV? For: future health concerns, rate of infection, and cost Against: legislative power, moral concern, and special interest influence
Legislative Power of Governor
Legislative Power of Governor Message Power Bill/Concurrent Resolution Signing Veto – Line Item Veto Power Special Session Power
Governor’s Bill Signing During the legislative session Governor has 10 days to decide to sign bill, veto bill, or it becomes law At end of session Has 20 days to decide
Governor’s Veto Power Veto Post-adjournment Veto Line Item Veto Power During session, Texas Legislature can override veto with two-thirds vote in both chambers Post-adjournment Veto At end of session, governor’s veto stands Line Item Veto Power Pork Barrel politics
Legislative Special Session Can only be called by governor Lasts no more than 30 days Governor sets the agenda, excluding impeachments and appointments
Governor’s Judicial Power Fill Vacancies (excluding county and city judges) Limited Removal Power of Jurists Clemency and Reprieves State Board of Pardons and Paroles
Plural executive created by Texas Constitution and statute The governor, elected department heads, and the Secretary of State compromise the plural executive Elected executives are accountable to the voters and do not have to follow governor’s directive
Has Executive and Legislative Power Partisan elected four-year term Lieutenant Governor Has Executive and Legislative Power Partisan elected four-year term President of Senate but not a senator Vacancy – Members of the Texas Senate select one of the members to be acting Lieutenant Governor until the next general election
Elected head of the Office of the Attorney General Head lawyer for the state representing Texas in lawsuits Provides legal advice to state and local officials Advocate of Child Support, Victims Compensation, and Open Records Laws
The Comptroller of Public Accounts Elected as state’s chief accounting officer and tax collector Certifies the state budget Four-fifths vote in both chambers to override non-certification of budget by state comptroller Designates state financial institutions as depositors of state funds Monitors “Where the Money Goes”
The Commissioner of General Land Office Elected as head of General Land Office Oversees the state’s extensive land holdings and related mineral land interests, leases, and funding for state Permanent School Fund Chairman Veteran’s Land Board
The Commissioner of Agriculture Elected head of the Texas Department of Agriculture Must be a “practicing farmer” Enforces State Agriculture Laws Provides service programs for Texas farmers, ranchers, and consumers Controls Pesticide Programs Division Conducts inspections, including those of commercial scales, pumps, and meters
Texas Secretary of State Appointed by Governor with two-thirds approval of Senate Serves four-year term concurrent with governor Certifies and monitors elections in conjunction with county officials Grants charters to Texas Corporations Issues permits to out-of-state corporations to do business within Texas Processes requests for extradition of criminals to and from other states
Internship with the Texas General Land Office Students in Action Internship with the Texas General Land Office Adam Burkland worked as an intern with the Texas General Land Office Asset Management Program Assisted in identifying state land to sell, lease, or purchase to promote Permanent School Fund Assisted in overseeing state contracts and developing asset acquisition plan Learned the important role state programs play in land exchange and development Learned the significance of contracts and real estate reviews