Wednesday February 7, 2018 Learning Target: 7.13A—Investigate how organisms respond to external stimuli found in the environment such as phototropism.


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Presentation transcript:

Wednesday February 7, 2018 Learning Target: 7.13A—Investigate how organisms respond to external stimuli found in the environment such as phototropism and fight or flight. 7.13B--Describe & relate responses in organisms that may result from internal stimuli such as wilting in plants and fever or vomiting in animals that allow them to maintain balance. 7.7C—Demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in every day life such as the emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure and geotropism/gravitropism. School agenda: 2/7—Tropisms, homeostasis, & turgor pressure 2/8—Review 2/9--DCA By the end of class today, I will be able to explain what forces act on seedlings and why plants wilt. SUPPLIES: Stimulus and Response Workbook Pencil Stimulus and Response Coloring Page

Daily Agenda Tell me something GOOD What are rating today from our Social Contract? Review: Stimulus, Response, Internal Stimulus, External Stimulus, Tropisms, Homeostasis Begin Turgor Pressure /Wilting of plants Complete workbook pgs. 1-2 (whole class)

What I am Grading from Stimulus and Response What I am Grading from Stimulus and Response? (All due on Friday February 9) 1. Stimulus and Response coloring page 2. Pgs. 2-3 (Daily work) 3. Pg. 7 (Tropism Notes) 4. Pgs. 11-12 (Stimulus and Response Worksheet) 5. Pgs. 13-16 (Tropism Definitions and Videos)

School agenda: 2/8—Review 2/9--DCA Thursday February 8, 2018 Learning Target: 7.13A—Investigate how organisms respond to external stimuli found in the environment such as phototropism and fight or flight. 7.13B--Describe & relate responses in organisms that may result from internal stimuli such as wilting in plants and fever or vomiting in animals that allow them to maintain balance. 7.7C—Demonstrate and illustrate forces that affect motion in every day life such as the emergence of seedlings, turgor pressure and geotropism/gravitropism. School agenda: 2/8—Review 2/9--DCA By the end of class today, I will be able to explain what forces act on seedlings and why plants wilt. SUPPLIES: Stimulus and Response Workbook Pencil Chromebook (Reading on Turgor Forces /Quizzizz)

Daily Agenda Tell me something GOOD What are rating today from our Social Contract? Review: Stimulus, Response, Internal Stimulus, External Stimulus, Tropisms, Homeostasis, Turgor Pressure, Wilting of plants Quizzizz Review Game (This will be a grade.) Remember you may take this more than 1 time. Remember to use your name or I will not be able to grade you.

Supplies: Stimulus and Response Workbook Chromebook Friday February 9, 2018 Learning Target: Do your best on the DCA Science Starter: Study for DCA Supplies: Stimulus and Response Workbook Chromebook

Agenda 1. Questions/Review for DCA Stimulus and Response 2. Video—Internal / External 3. DO your BEST! 4. Answer all of the questions on paper first 5. Enter your answers on the computer. 6. Write your name on your test AFTER THE TEST: 1.You may work on any unfinished work. 2. You my work on extra credit. A. Pgs. 17-19 (use computer simulation) B. Pg. 8—Trading cards 3. All work is due by the end of class today!