11/14/14 Pick up a “Reinforcement & Punishment” Worksheet and get started! Also- pick up a packet! Agenda Review Reinforcement/Punishment worksheet Quick Notes Read “Cognition’s Influence on Conditioning” Homework- Classical vs. Operant packet
Changing Directions in the Study of Conditioning (A Fancy way to say “New Developments”)
Instinctive Drift Occurs when an animals innate response tendencies interfere with conditioning processes (Brelands) Raccoons Dogs
Taste Aversion Conditioned taste aversion Occurs even after many hours since exposure to the CS (food that makes you sick) By product of evolutionary history of animals Learn what not to eat Some associations are made more quickly than others
Arbitrary vs Ecological Stimuli Michael Domjan We normally study things that are largely unrelated- thus there is a gap in our understanding of how learning takes place in the real world There aren’t normally bell tones-try rattlesnakes conditioning is an adaptive process that routinely occurs under natural circumstances in service of reproductive fitness
Evolutionary Perspectives on Learning Basic mechanisms of learning are similar across species but they have been modified and adapted over the years to respond to specialized needs
LaTent learning and cognitive maps Edward G. Tolman Rats with reinforcement (3 Groups A,B, & C) Latent Learning- learning that is not apparent form the behavior when it first occurs Cognitive Map- mental representation of the spatial layout
Signal relations Rescorla Environmental stimuli serve as signals and that some stimuli are better, more dependable, signals than others Predictive value- influential factor
Response outcome relations and reinforcement Reinforcement is not automatic Strengthened when people think that the response caused the outcome