IHP+ First Steering Committee Meeting 15 January 2014 Introduction
better alignment for better results IHP+ goals A partnership to get better health results by putting agreed principles of effective development co-operation - Paris, Accra, Busan - into practice. IHP+ partners support one national health plan, with progress monitored through one M&E platform, and shared accountability for results better alignment for better results
IHP+ achievements: messages on progress from 2012 IHP+ country teams meeting IHP+ has helped improve development cooperation in health but progress remains slower than anticipated. Countries have moved further than development partners in putting principles into practice The most critical areas for action have become known as the seven behaviours. These are not new but they are important. Improvements in these behaviours will help accelerate results. Faster progress requires action by all development partners – governments, CSOs, private sector and – especially – by international development partners
The seven behaviours Agreement on priorities that are reflected in a single national health strategy and underpinning sub-sector strategies, through a process of inclusive development and joint assessment, and a reduction in separate exercises. Resource inputs are recorded on budget and in line with national priorities. Financial management systems are harmonized and aligned; requisite capacity building is being done or underway, and country systems strengthened and used. Procurement/supply systems are harmonized and aligned; parallel systems phased out; country systems strengthened and used, with a focus on best value for money. Joint monitoring of progress and results, based on one information and accountability platform. Opportunities for systematic learning between countries are developed and supported by agencies (south-south/triangular cooperation). Provision of strategically planned and well-coordinated technical support. Matrix with JFA 17/11/2018
IHP+ evolving - growing number of partners 2007 2014 Developing countries: 8 35 Bilateral donors: 8 14 Int'l agencies and foundations*: 11 13 TOTAL 27 62 *African Development Bank, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, European Commission, GAVI Alliance, Global Fund, International Labour Organization, UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP, USAID, WHO, UNFPA, World Bank Civil Society Organizations
IHP+ evolving as development landscape changes Shift from aid effectiveness to more inclusive notion of development effectiveness (Busan, 2011) Traditional donor DAH plateaued; rise of non traditional donors (BRICS) Focus on results Many lower/mid income economies growing; external funds still important Big push on MDG's by 2015; post 2015 agenda; UHC Still growing number of new initiatives IHP+ rising number of signatories
IHP+ response Faster progress through Action by all development partners – governments, NGOs, private sector; international agencies Political and organizational action as well as technical tools Reinforce accountability for results Maximise links with institutions such as OECD-DAC New, high level IHP+ oversight body established – this Steering Committee
IHP+ strategic directions 2014/15, to be discussed today 1. Political commitment and organizational action Intensified action on 7 behaviours by development agencies Intensified action and lesson learning in selected countries 2. Approaches and tools Increased emphasis on one country platform for monitoring and accountability; mutual accountability; FM harmonization and alignment Consolidation of JANS and compacts; increased CS engagement in national policy dialogue and performance monitoring New areas: SSC and role of IHP+; strategic and well-coordinated TA 3. Accountability for results Next round of all IHP+ partners monitoring using agreed indicators Qualitative documentation of progress, results and lessons
IHP+ oversight and operations 2014 Steering Committee overall oversight and guidance; meets twice a year Core Team WHO and World Bank; facilitates all efforts of partnership; works through staff in partner agencies Reference Group supports Core Team; forum for information exchange and collaboration; meets alternate months, by phone Working Groups as needed, for specific topics; report to Steering Committee Plus Country Health Teams Meeting All IHP+ partners; once every 2 years
Steering Committee roles and responsibilities Shape IHP+ overall strategic directions and activities; exercise oversight and give guidance Approve programme of work and budget Agree Working Groups; review WG recommendations and agree on any actions to be taken forward Effect change in individual organizations and associated global health partnerships, by promoting adoption of IHP+ principles and recommendations Provide a forum for mutual accountability for results among IHP+ members
Steering Committee goals for today To review and agree strategic directions for next 2 years, plus any modifications and the main elements of work programme To advise on ways to more effectively address selected priorities