Back to School Night 2016-2017 English 4~ Mrs. Bly Welcome!
Contact Information Mrs. Bly 310-378-8471 ext. 623; Room 323 The best way to reach me is by e-mail. Check Staff webpage on for all class info
About Mrs. Bly: I moved to Palos Verdes in 6th grade, & I’m a graduate of Ridgecrest and Peninsula High School (formerly called Rolling Hills High School). B.A. in English, UCI M.A. in Education, Belmont University I’ve lived in 5 different states I have 4 children (ages 12-21); 1 graduated last year from PVHS & 1 currently attends PVHS
Reading Curriculum: Hamlet, William Shakespeare Outliers, Malcolm Gladwell The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini Oedipus Rex, Sophocles Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka Cry the Beloved Country, Alan Paton
Curriculum, continued… vocabulary- 12 units (3 per quarter) class presentations perform, read scenes out loud participate in discussions, debates, and Socratic seminars
Writing Daily journals At least one essay for each unit Required to type all writing assignments Students must have daily access to the Internet, a working computer, and a printer No excuses for not having a major assignment on time
Citizenship Grades Theme for the year: DIVERSITY Participation grade factors into academic grade (Rules & Procedures contract) Cell phones are kept in the holder in the front of the class PLEASE talk to your teens about cell phone use at school
Grading 5% PART: Participation 20% CW: Class work (includes journals and homework) 20% Quizzes: reading and vocab quizzes 25% WA: Writing assignments 30% TEST: Tests
Grading Completion points AND Comprehension points Literature packet: stamps=completion points One chapter will be picked by Mrs. Bly to grade for comprehension/content= writing grade No late homework stamps, but can put in collection packet for partial credit. Stamp = 5pts (on time) No stamp but completed= 3 pts (late) Not turned in at all=0 points Late major assignments(essay) = 10% lower per day to check students’ grades Updated Fridays
Teacher webpage: Staff webpage updated daily: includes homework calendar, lesson plans, handouts, etc Staff/ School Directory Type in Tracey Bly & you will arrive at my Webpage Also available on cell phones. Go to PVHS website and click on Homework Icon
Absences Check Teacher webpage calendar and turn in homework on the day you return Calendar is also on front wall; reviewed daily with Elmo on front board Missed tests or in-class essays and homework packets should be taken on the day student returns to class Forgetting/ failing to take the test = zero
Cheating 1st incident: “0” on the assignment; administration referral; parent notified; drop in participation grade 2nd incident: administration referral; permanent record 3rd incident: dropped from class Cheating includes plagiarism, copying homework, someone else doing the work for the student
How you can help your student succeed in this class: Make sure the student has all his/her needed materials Make sure your student has access to a computer, the Internet, a functional printer, and a flash drive. Read along with your student and/or discuss what your student is reading with him/her. Let me know if personal/home problems are affecting school work Please feel free to contact me with any questions.
Wish List Kleenex Hand sanitizer Expo markers, erasers, pens, pencils Colored printer paper
Thank you for coming! Any questions?