ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS Advanced course Day 3 – first afternoon session CPA – Classification of Products by Activity Zsófia Ercsey - KSH – Hungary Marie-Madeleine Fuger - INSEE – France Hans Van Hooff - CBS - Netherlands THE CONTRACTOR IS ACTING UNDER A FRAMEWORK CONTRACT CONCLUDED WITH THE COMMISSION
CPA: Classification of Products by Activity Targets European version of CPC Same principles, concepts, obligations, etc. Plus : legal obligations (European regulation) about uses and links with other EU product classifications CPA revised like CPC Principles Major principles: All products classified depending of an origin activity defined in NACE class some necessary conventions: all CPA objects being not products: wastes, second-hand goods, by-products) A CPA item : a full or split CPC item (so CPA more detailed); CPA Rev. 2 has 3142 subcategories and CPA ver. 2.1 has 3218 subcategories
CPA Rev. 2 & CPA Rev. 2.1 Coding system Sections, divisions: like NACE Less groups and classes Products not always linked to NACE classes but to Divisions: more than one possible origin activity In such a case codes: xx.00.xx 6-digit codes: NACE code + two digits (xx.xx.xx) Fifth digit of industrial services = always 9 Fifth digit of CPA code NEVER equals 0 Categories Sub-categories
Structure of CPA NACE 2 CPA 2 CPA 2.1 21 88 272 261 262 615 575 576 - Section 21 Division 88 Group 272 261 262 Class 615 575 576 Category - 1342 1357 Sub-category 3142 3218 5429 5522
CPA Rev. 2 & CPA Rev. 2.1 Interpretation Specific features Commodities: HS rules and explanatory notes Non-transportable goods and services: explanatory notes Based on CPC ones then developed and more precise Specific features All wastes, either from household or businesses, are linked to NACE 38.1 and 38.2 Second-hand goods: out of scope No CPA for second-hand cars But, 14.13.40 Worn clothing and other worn articles Explanation: waste and scrap are classified in CPC 39, which has no reference to ISIC
CPA Rev. 2 & CPA Rev. 2.1 Particular correspondence to NACE No link Mixed farming (NACE 01.50): no specific product High level link Fish and sea-food (NACE 03) Seats (NACE 31) Retail sale trade services (NACE 47) Non-specialized trade Constructions (buildings and civil engineering works) and construction services (NACE 41) Scientific research and development services (from CPA 2.1 on) xx.00.yy
CPA Rev. 2 & CPA Rev. 2.1 Particular characteristics Services performed on a fee or contract basis A manufacturing produces a good (in most cases) or a service (printing, moulding, casting, forging…) The latter are identified in CPC division 89 When a contractor performs an activity on goods he does not own, the output of his activity is a service (identified in CPC division 88) These manufacturing are identified in CPA with specific coding wx.yz.9 and wx.yz.99 sub-contracted operations as part of manufacturing of…
CPA Rev. 2.1 Links – odds features CPC CN missing links (eg: 02.10.30, 10.39.14) Multiple links when CPC has more detail than CPA (eg: 10.12.20, 24.45.30, 26.20.16, 46.17.11, aso…) Secondary links (when a CN is linked to more than one CPA) Missing link: when the concept does not exist (cf. food supplements 10.89.16 No description in CPA for used vehicles or second hand goods CPC CN
CPA Rev. 2 & CPA Rev. 2.1 Main uses Revision policy Same ones than for CPC (PPI, SNA, EBoPS, tourism products) Short term statistics PRODCOM Non-statistical uses Public procurements : Community Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) Revision policy Like CPC
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