Leonie Haimson Class Size Matters www.classsizematters.org 11.20.17 NYC class size data and trends Updated with Nov. 2017 DOE class size report Leonie Haimson Class Size Matters www.classsizematters.org 11.20.17
DOE released class sizes for NYC public schools on Thursday Nov Data as of Oct. 31, 2017 posted by NYC DOE here: http://schools.nyc.gov/AboutUs/schools/data/classsize/classsize.htm DOE Summary slides posted here: http://schools.nyc.gov/NR/rdonlyres/F6D5961F-E64F- 4375-B534-EEBC15B7BCB1/0/201718NovemberClassSizeReportWeb111517.pdf What the slides do not show: the Contracts for Excellence law passed in 2007 obligated NYC to reduce class size in all grades but instead class sizes have increased sharply since then. Class Size Matters, AQE, the Public Advocate and 9 NYC public school parents filed a complaint to the State in July 2017, urging the Commissioner to require NYC to comply with its original approved 2007 plan to reduce class sizes to no more than 20 in grades K- 3, 23 in grades 4-8 and 25 in HS core classes
DOE slide #3: Average class size across all city schools increased by DOE slide #3: Average class size across all city schools increased by .1 to 26.4 students per class
Our calculations show average K-3 class sizes fell slightly but are still 15% larger than 2007 when C4E law was passed
Average class sizes in grades 4-8 did not change this year and remain 6% above 2007 levels
Average HS class sizes did not decline & remain above 2007 levels
What these class size averages do NOT show There are extreme inequities across the city in class size The number of students in very large classes has grown sharply since 2007 in grades K-8
At least 291,809 students are in very large classes of 30 or more this fall
The number of Kindergarten students in classes of 25 or more has nearly doubled since 2007
Number of 1st thru 3rd graders in classes of 30 or more has grown by nearly 3800%
Number of 4th-8th graders in classes of 30 or more has nearly doubled since 2007
DOE promised SED in 2014 that they would focus their C4E class size efforts on Renewal schools Yet between 2014-2016, 39% Renewal schools did not reduce class sizes In 2017, 73% of these schools continue to have maximum class sizes of 30 or more No Renewal school has capped class sizes at Contracts for Excellence levels of 20 in K-3, 23 in grades 4th-8th, and 25 in HS core classes