CT BOS Renewal Evaluation Webinar 7/11/18 & 7/12/18
USE HUD Guides and Resources Go to: HUD Exchange Renewal project instructions: https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/2910/coc-project-application-instructions-for-renewal-projects/ Applicant profile: https://www.hudexchange.info/resource/2958/instructions-for-updating-the-project-applicant-profile/
Users new to Esnaps If new to Esnaps, must create a profile (requires a username, valid email, and a password) Click on paperclip to add registrants to organization’s esnaps account
Getting Started In Esnaps Make sure you are linked to grantee’s esnaps account https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/Adding-Deleting-Registrants.pdf Start by clicking on ‘applicants’
Organizations New to ESNAPS To establish a new applicant in ESNAPS you need: Name of Organization, DUNS Number for the organization. All Project Applicants are required to have a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) Number and registration with the System for Award Management (SAM).
All Applicants should have at least two persons who can access Esnaps account Optional: Add Myles Wensek at mylesw@housinginnovations.us as a user
Applicant Profile All projects will need to update applicant profile If more than $200,000 in total funding in this competition, must list each project on the SF 2880 in applicant profile 1. Click on Applicants 2. Click on orange folder to open applicant profile. All applicant profiles MUST be updated during competition period.
To Edit Applicant Profile 1. Click on Submission Summary 2. Click ‘edit’ to complete 2880 and update profile
SF 2880 Threshold Determination If applying for more than $200,000 in this NOFA must indicate ‘yes’
Detail on all NOFA grants that must be added to SF 2880 $ amounts must be consistent with all project applications submitted under NOFA After completing SF 2880 and updating profile, go to submission summary and click ‘complete’
Complete Applicant Profile Click ‘complete’ to finish applicant profile
Funding Opportunity Registration 2. Confirm the correct Applicant listed in the field. 2. Click on renewal project application FY 2017 1. Click on Funding Opportunity Registrations 3. Note the Funding Opportunity Name (FY 2018)
To Create a Project for 2018 2. Filter for correct project type, new or renewal project application 2018 3. Click on ‘+’ button to open up new project screen 1. Click on ‘Projects’
Import Last Year’s Data on Create Project Screen 1. Name project here 2. Import data here
Must complete SF 424 before Project Application Opens HUD code of conduct: most were removed from HUD website in early 2017 HUD 50070 and Lobbying disclosure forms are completed in E-SNAPs and not attached HUD 2880 is completed in Applicant Profile – complete once/applicant agency Click on ‘submissions’ after creating project and importing data
/ 1 1. Be written covered by a letter on company letterhead that provides the name and title of the responsible official, mailing address, business telephone number and email address; 2 2. Prohibit real and apparent conflicts of interest that may arise among officers, employees or agents, or any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner or an organization that employs any of the indicated parties; 3 3. If applicable, the standards must also cover organizational conflicts of interest; 4 4. Prohibit the solicitation and acceptance by employees, of gifts or gratuities in excess of minimum value; and 5 5. Provide for administrative and disciplinary actions to be applied for violations of such standards. Code Of Conduct
Organization Legal Business Name (from SAM.gov) Submit Code of Conduct askGMO@hud.gov Organization DUNS# Organization Legal Business Name (from SAM.gov) Complete mailing address Name, title, email and phone# for the person with executive authority
PIN Number Grantees must enter Federal Award Identifier on Field 5b on the HUD SF 424 The PIN is the first 6 characters of the grant number on the GIW For this grant, IN0019 is the PIN
Congressional District Update the Start and End dates for 2019 / 2020 Move the correct Congressional District(s) for the project
Submission without changes Renewal projects with imported data Check only those screens that need to be changed. HUD notes to only change what needs to be changed! You need to note what changes you made (bullets are fine). Once checked must go to that screen and check ‘save’ 2. Click on submission without changes in order to edit data 1. Once project has been named, open it under ‘submissions’
Projects that Submit with No Changes Still Need to complete: Recipient Performance Renewal Grant Consolidation Screen 3A Project Description 6D – sources of match Program income? Update match commitment 7A – Attachments 7B - Certification
Renewal Grant Consolidation Screen – contact ctbos if you would like to consolidate grants
2A. Project Subrecipients Total Expected Sub-Awards should be the amount of HUD grant cash funds the Service Provider is receiving from the Grantee. This excludes for example: Cash Match funds or Rental Assistance funds paid by the Grantee directly to the landlords.
3C – DedicatedPLUS & 4B – Housing Type & Location, 5B Sub-Pops * 1. Indicate whether the project is "100% Dedicated", "DedicatedPLUS", or "N/A", according to the information provided above. -- select -- 100% Dedicated 4B - Total Dedicated CH Beds MUST EQUAL Total Beds 5B – Sub-pops All BOS PSH project applications should show 100% CH people in 5B.
Budgets Renewal grants no longer need to provide detailed budgets Summary budget lines must correspond to GIW Budgets are changed through amendment not grant renewal
Indirect cost rate Indirect cost rate proposals should be submitted as soon as the applicant is notified of a conditional award. Applicants with an approved indirect cost rate must submit a copy of the approval with this application.
6D – Sources of Match Must equal at least 25% of total assistance requested including admin but excluding leasing costs Do not exceed 25% - HUD monitors on the entire amount and documentation will be required “1. Does this project generate program income as described in 24 CFR 578.97 that will be used as Match for this grant?” If yes, must also enter description of source of the program income (tenant rent or occupancy charges paid to recipient or subrecipient) Projects may not charge participants any fees other than rent or occupancy charges For Third Party In-Kind Match – separate screen will appear that you use to attach MOU documentation that confirms the commitment
Budget Screens Renewal projects will not need to submit detailed budgets for: leased structures, supportive services, operating or HMIS budgets Screens for rental assistance and leasing units must be reviewed and updated (type of rental ass’t, FMR area, whether full FMR is requested, unit distribution) Admin fees must be added to summary budget – must be consistent with prior year
Important HUD Resources / 1 Applicant Profile Resources: https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/Project-Applicant-Profile-Navigational-Guide.pdf 2 Renewal Application Resources: https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/FY-2018-Renewal-Project-Application-Detailed-Instructions.pdf 3 New Application Resources https://www.hudexchange.info/resources/documents/FY-2018-New-Project-Application-Detailed-Instructions.pdf Important HUD Resources
2018 Renewal Evaluation Timeline Renewal Project Applications due to CT BOS – JULY 25TH - Feel free to submit earlier! Export the application to a PDF in esnaps and e-mail to ctboscoc@gmail.com. Do not submit the application in esnaps. Please use the following naming convention for the PDFs: “agency name-project name- draft application2018”. For example: HousingInnovations-DreamHousing-DraftApplication2018. Do not name the project application in Esnaps using this naming convention. Please be sure to complete and upload all required attachments as we must review these prior to submission to HUD Housing Innovations will provide feedback on renewal application HI will give feedback to grantees on renewal project applications on a rolling basis and will provide feedback as quickly as possible once applications are submitted. Grantees submit final renewal project application in esnaps - 8/14/18
ctboscoc@gmail.com Please put in the email subject line “Renewal Application or New Application Question(s)” for a quicker turn-around. Questions/concerns