Course Work Lesson 4
The Plan Week 1 Drafting on an event Week 2&3 Drafting paragraph on an historian Week 4&5 Drafting primary source paragraph Week 6&7 Drafting section on focus Week 8 Drafting section on counter Full first draft 6/11/17 Final draft 8/1/18 Coursework Lessons will be the first History Lesson of the Week From Week 2 we hope to be in Computer Rooms
Wat is your answer? Very briefly write out your overall conclusion/ view on your question.
Bringing it all together You are now going to try and bring together all the skills and develop part of your first draft. The idea is to draft an aspect of your argument. Pick an aspect/ theme that you think best supports your overall argument. For example looking at: the theme of violence on the Anti-Semitism question ability to work with white leaders for Martin Luther King Q Supreme Court decisions made in the 50s and 60s linking to public opinion Bridge leadership in the women Q
What you need to include Correctly completed footnotes (an important skill) that show you’ve done research A01- Argument and analysis showing a good understanding of the question, supported with precise knowledge. Remember to include the 4 Cs (change, continuity, cause and consequence) A02- Include a primary source make sure you assess how valuable it is to answering your Q. Look at provenance, content and argument and tone (if possible) A03- Historians’ views- include views of your two historians (find some relevant quotes) and evaluate how convincing their arguments are when related to the theme/ detail are looking at.
To help: Look at examples from last year Look at the full mark scheme grids
Assess example section against Read one of the example sections Using the mark scheme grid annotate the section in green pen. What has been done well? What is missing? What could be done better? What level would you give it in each A0?