Scott Wynne CC Algebra 2
Cooperation/Support Success Student Teacher Parent/Guardian
Supplies Needed Notebook: 3 Ring Binder w/paper Pen/pencil and graph paper TI 83 or TI 84 calculator
Homework Homework is considered to be an integral part of this course The homework policy is as follows: Homework will be checked and reviewed each day after it is assigned. Each homework assigned is worth two points At the end of each quarter, a homework grade will be computed. This grade is worth ten percent of the final average for the marking period. A homework agenda is given to the students every Monday, The Homework agenda is also posted on my eboard.
Grading My goal is to have 4 or 5 grades per Marking Period. Marking Period grades are determined by the following formula: Test/Quiz average (90%) Homework average (10%) Marking Period Avg.= Exams average(.90)+homework average(.10) Tests and quizzes are weighted the same.( I like to call them exams) Students will take a Midterm and a Final Exam at the end of the year. The Final Exam will consist of a Local Assessment and the Regents Exam.
Extra Help Extra Help is given once a week from 2:30-3:30 in room 234 Extra Help is given on Tues and Thurs each week. I will usually give extra help the day before an exam. If I share the same period off as your child, they can come and work with me during that period. Homework Helpers is given on Odd Days from 2:30-3:10 in Rm 231. ( No appointments are necessary)
Absences Students are to be responsible for all work missed when absent. Exams missed due to absences are expected to be made up in 2 or 3 class days. Students who fail to take an exam they miss, must take the “Make Up Exam” at the end of each marking period.
Parent Portal The Parent Portal is open. You may check the progress of your child at any time The parent portal is updated daily
Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments you may have. Email is the best way to contact me: Message service: A voicemail can be left for me at any time: (631) 912-2099 ext 4938