Trojan Reading Time: Take 2
Remember this? Step 1: Word Study Step 2: Setting a Purpose 15 minutes Step 2: Setting a Purpose 10 minutes Step 3: Rereading with Partners Step 4: Comprehension Discussion & Writing
Word Study – Vocabulary Words What words come to mind when you see these words? These may be words you don’t know, but let’s change that! connected campaigned involvement keep unfriendly existence attack intertwined waged activism retained unsympathetic longevity assassinated
intertwined activism waged retained unsympathetic longevity assassinated
Step 2: First Reading Look fors: Key Names/Events Text Structure Author’s Purpose
Step 3: Second Reading Look fors: Significance of Dr. King’s activism in the fight for equality Evidence to support the central idea of the text Evidence to support the presence of injustice in the 60s
Step 4: After Reading Let’s Discuss! Show What You Know! Now is your chance to ask any questions or add your ideas. Show What You Know! Choose one of the two writing prompts. These types of prompts will show me that you truly understand what you read and can apply it to you own writing and thinking.