Literacy Research Memory Skill Challenge Write the meaning of: Formula Substitute What is the formula for calculating the area of a circle? 2a means 2 lots of a (2 x a) means b divided by 2 (b÷2) Skill Challenge The formula for calculating the cost of hiring a rowing boat is: Cost (£) = 2 + hours x 3 How much would it cost Frank to hire a rowing boat for 2 hours? 2) The formula for calculating the fayre for a taxi is: Cost(£) = 5 + miles x 0.5 How much would it cost Tina for a journey of 4 miles? 3) A garage uses the formula below to calculate how much to charge each customer. Amount charged (£) = cost of parts (£) + 20 x hours of work Lauren takes her car to the garage to be fixed. The parts that need replacing cost £79. Two mechanics take three hours each to fix her car. How much should the garage charge? 4) This formula calculates the cost of hiring a carpet cleaning machine: Cost (£) = number of days x 10 + number of extra hours x 2 Olivia hires the carpet cleaning machine from 10.00am on Monday until 2.00pm on Thursday. How much will Olivia have to pay? 1) The formula below calculates the cooking time for roast beef: Cooking time (min) = weight of joint (pounds) x 25 + 30 Bill wants to roast a 2kg joint of beef. 1kg = 2.2lb How long in hours and minutes will it take? 2) The formula below is used to calculate the time it takes to download information from the internet: Time (sec) = data received (mb) connection speed (mb/sec) 1 gigabyte (gb) is equal to 1024 megabytes (mb). Patrick’s internet connection has a connection speed of 2mb/sec. Patrick wants to download a 3gb film. How long will it take?