Curriculum Night North Buncombe Elementary School
Implementation of the North Carolina Read to Achieve Program Updated July 2017
Read to Achieve for Parents This is the NCDPI LiveBinder Website for parents: We have printed this on a paper to give parents at the end of our curriculum night.
Goal of Legislation All students proficient readers by the end of third grade. Gives students multiple opportunities to show proficiency Gives extra support to third and fourth grade students
mClass Reading 3D Teachers understand reading skill development and levels Designs instruction Listening to child read from books and one-minute skill tasks Home Connect letter
Personal Education Plan (PEP) PEP developed if student below proficiency Must include focused interventions and goals Development of stronger reading skills Parents receive copy of PEP and are included in reviews Teachers monitor student’s progress frequently Intensive reading instruction
Reading At or Above Proficiency Continue to progress in reading proficiency Read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success Become an independent reader
Beginning-of-Grade (BOG) End-of-Grade (EOG) Measures progress on standards BOG for reading only Indication if student on track Scores range Level 1 (the lowest) to Level 5 (the highest). EOG – reading and math Multiple-choice tests Read selections and answer questions
Promotion at End of School Year 2017-2018 Third graders can show proficiency in the following ways and be exempt from retention under the Read to Achieve legislation by: Score of 3, 4,or 5 Achievement Level on EOG Level P or higher on mClass TRC reading assessments by the end of third grade Pass all standards on the Read to Achieve (RTA) reading passages that are given throughout the year A Good Cause Exemption (which includes SOME children with IEPs, LEP students with certain qualifications, and children with multiple retentions before third grade)
End of School Year 2016-2017 Third graders can show proficiency in the following ways and be exempt from retention under the Read to Achieve legislation by: • passing the BOG (Beginning-of-Grade 3Test) • passing the EOG (End-of-GradeTest) • passing an EOG retest • passing the state Read to Achieve alternative test (given at end of school year and end of reading camp or before November 1 in3/4 Transitional or 4th Grade Accelerated Classes) listed below in #3 • passing a local alternative assessment approved by the State Board of Education – listed below in#3 • achieving a Level P in the mClass:Reading 3D TRC assessments– listed below in #3 • completing a reading portfolio (process has to be approved by the State Board of Education) listed below in#4 • having a Good Cause Exemption (which includes SOME children with IEPs, LEP students with certain qualifications, and children with multiple retentions before third grade) listed below in #1, #2, and#5.
Summer Reading Camps Provided by local school district No cost to parents After summer camps: -Read to Achieve test and/or local alternative -completed reading portfolio Parent/guardian decides student attendance
Retained Reading Label Extra intensive interventions and opportunities Extra time to catch up in reading and build stronger skills for other content areas Reading deficiencies addressed prior to more difficult work and assignments All students reading with proficiency
Mid-Year Promotion Read to Achieve test, local alternative assessment approved by the State Board of Education, or completed reading portfolio Given early in fourth grade school year Retained reading label removed Continue work on portfolio All students remain in same classes for entire year Fourth-grade EOG
3rd Grade Reading Curriculum Writing to respond to reading for mClass Multiple choice questions on EOG
BLOOM’S REVISED TAXONOMY Creating Generating new ideas, products, or ways of viewing things Designing, constructing, planning, producing, inventing. Evaluating Justifying a decision or course of action Checking, hypothesizing, critiquing, experimenting, judging Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Analyzing Breaking information into parts to explore understandings and relationships Comparing, organizing, deconstructing, interrogating, finding Applying Using information in another familiar situation Implementing, carrying out, using, executing Understanding Explaining ideas or concepts Interpreting, summarizing, paraphrasing, classifying, explaining Remembering Recalling information Recognizing, listing, describing, retrieving, naming, finding
Text-Dependent Questions... Can only be answered with evidence from the text. Can be literal (checking for understanding) but will also involve analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Focus on a word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph, as well as larger ideas such as themes and events. R. A. P.- Restate, Answer, Prove by citing text TDQ’s should not require background knowledge (stores of background knowledge can be added to by collecting the evidence from the text to further build knowledge, or can be tapped into to make meaning of the text.) Questions that involve analysis, synthesis, evaluation actually point towards the most difficult parts of text. Literal question do not. TDQ’s will drive the CCSS in the classroom if questions are asked about words, sentences, paragraphs, big ideas, themes, relationships, etc. TDQ’s are an opportunity to address the academic (tier two) vocabulary and syntax that are features of complex text – the features that make text difficult for students. This means that good questions actually make students stronger and more capable readers. Demand that students provide evidence form the reading to support their answers….solid command of their evidence they are providing in support of their answer 16
3rd Grade Science Units: Forces and Motion Matter: Properties and Change Energy: Conservation and Transfer Earth in the Universe (Solar System) Earth Systems, Structures and Processes (Fresh and Salt Water Features, Land Features) Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (Human Body- Bones, Muscles, Skin) Ecosystems (Plants)
Reading in the Science Content Area We usually teach approximately 4 weeks of Science and then 4 weeks of Social Studies during the 9 weeks. We try to integrate Science/Social Studies into our Shared Reading teaching block so that ALL students are exposed to grade level reading content that they are required to learn.
3rd Grade Social Studies Units History (communities, historical events, people and places) Geography and Environmental Literacy (Earth‘s patterns: location, place, human-environment interaction, movement and regions) Economics and Financial Literacy (entrepreneurship in a market economy Civics and Governance (structure and function of local govt, citizenship) Culture (diverse cultures in local and regional communities)
Math Common Core Understanding and explaining what it means to multiply or divide numbers • Multiplying all one-digit numbers from memory (knowing their times table) • Multiplying one-digit numbers by multiples of 10 (such as 20, 30, 40) • Solving two-step word problems using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division • Understanding the concept of area and perimeter • Relating the measurement of area to multiplication and division
Math Concepts • Understanding fractions as numbers • Understanding and identifying a fraction as a number on a number line • Comparing the size of two fractions • Expressing whole numbers as fractions and identifying fractions that are equal to whole numbers (for example, recognizing that 3⁄1 and 3 are the same number) • Measuring weights and volumes and solving word problems involving these measurements • Representing and interpreting data Algebra used in unknown variables 4 x n = 24
Please fill out the parent survey as you leave this evening. Thanks for attending curriculum night!