Online Approvals Standard Department Transition Meeting June 2018
1 2 3 4 5 6 Welcome Automated Approvals Overview Approver Training Video Routing online approvals Rollout and Support Process Training (optional) 2 3 4 Project highlights= 4.5 min each slide 5 6
Online Approvals Overview
Scope of this change Requisitions Invoices Cash Advances Expense Claims Invoices Payment Requisitions Journal Vouchers
Online Approvals Overview Requisitions Cash Advances Expense Claims Enter transaction Review transaction Approve transaction (Reviewer) (Budget Approver) For the expenditure (Initiator) No financial authority Optional step Code transaction Scan/attach documentation Ensure good image quality Submit electronically Ensure transaction gets completed Know and apply policies Approve/ deny in a timely manner Support Approvers Verify coding Verify readable attachments Confirm availability of funds Secure additional approvals as required Know and apply policies Process in a timely manner
Access. A transaction can be approved at anytime and from any computer Requires no additional effort in any of the steps/roles but rather another way of approving transactions. Key point Paperless. Eliminates printing and hand signing of expenses and requisitions. Service. Accelerates processing time as transactions are routed electronically with supporting documents attached. Access. A transaction can be approved at anytime and from any computer Transparency. 24/7 access to status of request and there is a clear audit trail of all approvals.
13 out of 28 “portfolios” are live! when you enter a transaction? You scan your receipts or backup documents to a file (i.e. PDF) Attach the scanned files to the transaction Know the correct coding (fund, Department, Program or Project) or check with someone who does Do not print the transaction – and you do not need to get handwritten signatures Check to ensure the transaction is processed – approved or denied. Retain your original receipts until you have been paid Over 1,400 claims for Faculty professional development expenses approved online ------ 13 out of 28 “portfolios” are live!
to APPROVE a transaction? You do NOT get paper You receive a notification email overnight notifying you that you have transactions needing approval. None sent on weekends. When you click approve – it is your ‘digital’ signature URL to go directly to FINS:
Reviewer/Approvers: 3 simple steps Open a notification email Enter your SFU user name and password Take action
Online Approval Training Videos Approving Travel & Expenses Approving Requisitions Presenters: Click on full screen to display on large screen
Getting the right transaction to the right people for approval Routing Online Approvals Getting the right transaction to the right people for approval
Its all about the coding! Fund? Department? Program? Project? Chart of Account details “route” the transaction to the individual(s) with the appropriate financial authority Creates the approval workflow
Budget (Expenditure) Approvers Online Approval Routing Budget (Expenditure) Approvers In your department In Finance
Department Roles People claiming an expense or entering a requisition Has no financial authority Assigned by the department to provide assistance to the Budget Approver and support the Initiators. Those with the financial authority to approve budget expenditures. Position based. If level/limit exceeded then goes “one up” for approval. Click submit or not notified if a transaction is sent back or denied.
APPROVER Roles Includes Includes Includes Operating Account Holder Project or Program Account Holder Research Account Holder or Endowment Account holder Includes Operating Provisional Delegate Project or Program Provisional Delegate Research or Endowment Delegates Includes Operating Small Transaction Project or Program Small Transaction Research or Endowment Delegate Includes
Budget Approver Profiles managed in SAM Enables FINS to dynamically retrieve the appropriate Budget (Expenditure) Approver based on levels and limits in SAM
“Pooled” approver concept transactions are sent to more than 1 position for approval. once one person has approved, the transaction is removed from the other individual’s task list.
Expense Claims Flight Plan Operating Funds Research Funds Additional step
Requisitions Flight Plan operating funds research funds Additional Step
Rollout & Support Process
Department and Faculty Rollout Process Initiate Department planning: Reviewed Signing Authority & Routing Trained Administrators and Reviewers Planned Department wide Transition Meeting Get Ready 1 Week 1 – 2 One to Two Days Get Set 2 Week 3 1 hour Held Departmental Transition Meeting Activated and Support Online videos for Approvers (Account holders and delegates/proxies) Optional small group training for Approvers Online Resources GO! 3 Department is live! You are here
Support Processes Departmental Reviewers and Administrators Provide 1st level departmental support 1 Training Videos Job Aids Searchable FAQ’s Website 2 Payment Services @ 778-782-7087 Procurement @ 778-782-4260 or 778-782-4301 By Phone to: 3 Online videos for Approvers (Account holders and delegates/proxies) Optional small group training email fpinfo@SFU.CA Training for Approvers 4