+ Shantea Winrow English 1301 CRN 29813 Prof. Jeannine Horn M/W 7:00- 8:30
Have A Little Faith Have A Little faith
Why Is Faith Important To Me? Me? This story is important to me because I am a religious person I respect other people’s beliefs. Faith is believing in something you can not see. Most people have to have evidence in order to believe something is going to happen. This story is different, but most people can relate to the story. If they have ever had an miracle, sometimes they must be willing to step out on faith even though they can’t see it. This book makes me question things in my life that have happened and whether my faith was there or not. It makes me aware of things outside of me.
My opinion My Opinion This book gives readers a mighty message about religion: no one should fear anything. There are different things that happen around the world daily In order to overcome your fears you have to believe and have faith. I grew up in the church, and I respect everyone's religion. This book did teach me about how to Respect other people’s religions, even though we have our own or none at all. We all have the right to believe or not believe as we see fit. No one religion is better than the others, and we can all agree to disagree as long as we do so with respect, not violence.
Overview of the Book Mitch Albom had a lot of hope for humanity, and the book gives people hope and teaches readers how to have faith and shows the power of belief. Sometimes we must forget about our past and be willing to take a leap of faith. Many people do not believe in things if they are invisible. In the book, Mitch believed he was doing the reb a favor, but in the end, the reb did him one and changed him. No matter what the situation is we all need to “have a little faith”