Be Smart About Driving Prepared and Developed by Erin Choi, UCOP Student Intern
Statistics In the United States every: –12 minutes someone dies in a motor vehicle accident –10 seconds someone in injured –5 seconds a collision occurs In California alone 40,000-50,000 automobile accidents are reported on average per year Of the 40,000-50,000 accidents 30,000 result in an injury
U.S. Accidental Deaths ,000 Accidental Deaths in the U.S. in ,200 Deaths (42%) Were Motor Vehicle Related
University of California Motor Vehicle Claims Auto Liability (2000 to 2006) –1457 Claims for $7.4 Million Auto Physical Damage (2000 – 2006) –1781 Claims for $3.2 Million Auto-Related Workers Compensation Claims ( ) –555 Claims for $4.9 Million
Basics of Safe Driving Always wear a seatbelt Adjust the seat and check mirrors Pay attention Do not talk on the phone Never drive impaired Do not speed Never run stop signs or red lights Give pedestrians the right of way Get rid of all other distractions Look out for the other driver – Drive defensively
Avoid Becoming a Victim of a Break-In LOCK the doors and close the windows Do not leave valuables in plain view, put them out of sight in the trunk or under the seat Deter auto theft by using a steering wheel club Never leave your car running or leave the keys in the car unattended even for a minute. Take the keys with you and lock the doors every time.
Dont Compromise Safety for Comfort Set your head rest at the top of your ear level Make sure your seat belt is properly secured Adjust your seat to be in the upright position correct way to wear a seat belt Sitting uprightSlouching Make sure your seat belt it secure across your shoulders and waist. Make sure your seat is not reclined too far and that you can reach the gas and brake pedals with ease.
Be a Defensive Driver Driving defensively means being responsible for your own actions but also keeping an eye out for other drivers. Secure all passengers with safety belts Driving too fast or too slow raises the likelihood of an accident Alcohol is a factor in nearly half of all fatal motor vehicle crashes. Never drink and drive Stay clear if you notice a car swerving, making wide turns, or stopping abruptly, the driver may be impaired Do not follow too close or cut off other drivers Allow 3 to 6 seconds reaction time Abide by the rules of the road and respect other drivers.
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 1.Distracted drivers Keep from: Talking on the cell phone Looking at scenery or rubbernecking Adjusting the radio/ loud music
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 2. Driver fatigue – You should: Pull over & stop if drowsy Take a break from driving every 2 hours Share driving time Get a good nights rest before a long trip
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 3. Drunk driving never mix drinking with driving always: designate a driver in advance
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 4.Speeding – Always: Obey the speed limit Do not drive in a hurry Give yourself extra time to recognize hazards around you
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 5.Aggressive driving – Do not: Tailgate or frequently change lanes Deliberately cut off another vehicle If you encounter an aggressive driver: Remain calm & keep your distance Do not pass unless you have to Change lanes once it is safe
Most Common Causes of Fatal Automobile Crashes 6.Weather – Be careful of: Heavy rain Hail High winds Ice and snow Fog
Rental Cars Make sure everything is working properly –Scratches, dents, under/over inflated tires Familiarize yourself with your new car –Locations of speedometer, gas gauge, light switches, windshield wipers, and defroster Make sure you know how they work –Before you head out onto traffic Feel out brakes, gas, & steering - These vary from car to car
What to Do if There is an Accident Stop and pull out of traffic if possible Check for & aid injuries & call 911 if needed Exchange names, insurance information, drivers license information, and phone numbers with involved driver(s) Get the names, addresses, and phone numbers of any witnesses Try to avoid dangerous situations by being a defensive driver. However, if an accident should occur, you need to take certain steps to avoid potential complications.
Motor Vehicle Accident While on UC Business UCOP Webpage – Primary Insurance Coverage –Rental Car (UC Corporate ID)– Rental Car Co. –Personal Vehicle – Personal Insurance Contact Supervisor –Supervisor should contact UCOP Risk Manager, Karen Vecchi Injury – Contact Supervisor & HR Benefits –Emergency – Go to nearest Emergency Room
Be Safe, Be Courteous The 30 seconds you save by speeding is not worth getting into a crash. Slow down and give yourself plenty of time to get to your destination