Chapter 24 section 1 A time of turmoil
Fear of Radicals Russian Revolution Bolshevism = Communism Encouraged workers around the world to overthrow capitalism Capitalism is an economic system based on private property and free enterprise. What does that mean?????
Capitalism and Communism Private Property Private businesses Where the workers work for the business owner and the owner benefits from business success. In America 60% of the wealth was held by less than 2 % of the population. Public Property Businesses are ran by the government. Government runs the business and the workers are employed by the government. Everybody is equal in salary, but nobody is wealthy.
Capitalism and Communism
Capitalism Vs. Communism
Anarchists Anarchists are people who believe there should be no government at all. A series of anarchist bombings in 1919 scared many Americans. Public officials targeted Many anarchists were foreign-born which made Americans suspicious of foreigners.
The “Red Scare” Wave of fear led to this period when the government went after “Reds” (Communists) or others with radical views. A. Mitchell Palmer J. Edgar Hoover Deported many foreigners from the United States.
Labor Strikes Steel Industry strike largest in nation’s history. Boston Police Department Strike. Calvin Coolidge put down the strike and the entire police force. Most Americans were scared of unions and thought they were “Red agitators or communists”.
Workers Unite for Communism
A. Philip Randolph Started a union called the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters. Made up mostly of African Americans. Civil Rights Leader in 1950’s and 1960’s.
Sacco and Vanzetti
Sacco and Vanzetti Innocence Evidence Guilty Evidence Witnesses saw Sacco and Vanzetti elsewhere during the crime. Bullets used did not match Sacco’s bullets. Both men were armed when arrested. None of the evidence was proof. Linked to the getaway car. Gun Sacco owned was the same kind of gun used in the crime. Lied to police Anarchists Immigrants “Red Scare”