Hamburg Bonding Report Georg Steinbrück Hamburg University CMS Meeting June 2004 Report from Hamburg Pull tests stats Loop heights ARC tests G. Steinbrück June 2004
Bonding in Hamburg Hamburg was recently officially certified for bonding Sent 3 modules to CERN for inspection Have bonded 37 Modules in Hamburg so far 8 R1N 13 R1S 16 R3 20 more modules HV bonded Throughput impacted by Need to support sensors under HV bonds by inserting capton tape Pull tests: Basically increases bonding time x2 HV and Sensor Bonding in two steps G. Steinbrück June 2004
Experience Initially had a lot of trouble with the HV bonds and outer sensor bonds since sensor not well supported in this area Went through some trouble building a good bonding jig Had glueing scheme for frame adjusted: Glue spots carbon-capton and capton-sensor were NOT aligned, now alignedResults look much better, but additional support still needed Some PA‘s were not glued parallel, making bonding hard We gave feedback to gantries, problems known/solved G. Steinbrück June 2004
Module 30200020029287 One recent example of a glueing problem G. Steinbrück June 2004
Pull Test Results PA test Area R1N R1S R3 Based on 30 modules. G. Steinbrück June 2004
Pull Test Results 50th wire PA-Sensor R1S R1N R3 Based on 30 modules. G. Steinbrück June 2004
Loop heights PA test bonds PA-sensor bonds 280 mus ~30 deg 1mm 30 deg Sorry, no pictures... G. Steinbrück June 2004
ARC tests ARCS 7.0 with TIB one sensor cuts (except for noise cuts For R1) Xml files with Xflag 4.2 G. Steinbrück June 2004
ARC tests: Cuts Correct R1 cuts by difference in noise means G. Steinbrück June 2004
Statistics details… 37 Modules bonded in HH, 30 tested 32019 22 grade A, 4 grade C no new pinholes found 7 faulty modules 3/131 fail initial ARC fast test 32019 Sent out w/o full test 30200020032001 bent hybrid bonds, in bond center for repairNot fully tested 30200020032002 root file? G. Steinbrück June 2004
Fault stats Ring 3 G. Steinbrück June 2004
Fault stats Ring 1 G. Steinbrück June 2004
IV curves R1 and R3 Module 3020002002021 already had high current before PA-Sensor bonding. Graded AF (IMOD>5xISen) G. Steinbrück June 2004
Test Results on the Web Thanks to Marko Dragicevic (Wien) for supplying the scripts! G. Steinbrück June 2004
Web G. Steinbrück June 2004
Summary Bonded and tested 37 modules +20 modules HV bonded Bonding rates are increasing Quality of gluing of modules is critical and has improved Pull test results look goode ARC tests + uploading to db routine now 4 grade C modules G. Steinbrück June 2004
Backup G. Steinbrück June 2004
Module 30200020032011 Bad APV Cosmic run Two events in a cosmic run Difference max and min PH in ARC LED test G. Steinbrück June 2004
Module 30200020026938 (R1S) 38 Difference max and min PH in ARC LED test Mean pedestal versus pipeline for bad APV G. Steinbrück June 2004
Module 30200020032019 Difference max and min PH in ARC LED test Mean pedestal versus pipeline for bad APV G. Steinbrück June 2004
Module 30200020027058 38 G. Steinbrück June 2004
ARC testing in Hamburg 30 Modules bonded and tested 22 grade A, 4 grade C no new pinholes found 7 faulty modules 3/131 fail initial ARC fast test 30 Modules bonded and tested Using ARCS 7.0 and Xflag 4.2 Keeping up with database G. Steinbrück June 2004
Bonding in Hamburg R1N R1S R3 30 Modules bonded initial issues with HV bonds/glue resolved G. Steinbrück June 2004
Currents before and after Sensor Bonding G. Steinbrück June 2004