Clayton Seamons 208-358-2901 2018 Worker/Handler and Ag. Establishment Training Seminar Clayton Seamons 208-358-2901
Today’s Agenda Welcome Information Exchange, Annual Pesticide Safety Training, and Farm Audits PPE and Early Entry Workers Worker Training Video Handler Training Video Respirator Evaluation and Fit Testing
Worker Protection Standards (All Employers) Definitions: Worker – anyone employed and doing tasks directly related to the production of agricultural plants. (i.e. harvesting, weeding, pruning, and watering Handler – anyone employed that uses pesticides in the production of agricultural plants. Mixing, loading, transferring, applying, disposing of pesticides, handling open containers, emptying, triple-rinsing, cleaning or adjusting application equipment, repairing application equipment, and crop advisors
Information Exchange Central Location Safety Poster Current and Required Fields Filled Out WPS Application Records Board, Binder, Digital Hazard Information (SDS)
Information Exchange Display safety information when a WPS product has been applied within the last 30 days or an REI is in effect Display application and hazard information within 24 hours of the finish of application Continue display for 30 days after REI expiration or 30 days if no REI or until employees are no longer with the establishment
Information Exchange Inform all workers and handlers where the information is located Allow unrestricted access by all employees Maintain current information and update as needed Maintain application and hazard information for 2 years from REI expiration
Information Exchange Employer Information Exchange Before any application, commercial operators must make sure the owner/operator of the agricultural establishment is aware of the following: Location and description of area to be treated Date, and estimated start and finish times Product name(s), EPA reg. #, A.I., and REI Whether product label requires both oral and posting All other safety requirements Owner/operator warnings to commercial operator of any other REI’s in effect
Application Exclusion Zone (AEZ) The AEZ must be a minimum of 100 feet when the pesticide is applied: By air (fixed wing or helicopter) By air blast As a spray using a spray quality smaller than medium (i.e., fine, very fine or extra fine), or As a fumigant, smoke, mist, or fog The AEZ must be a minimum of 25 feet when the pesticide is: NOT applied in a manner that would require a 100 foot AEZ, and Sprayed from a height of greater than 12 inches from the planting medium (soil) using a spray quality of medium or larger (i.e., medium, coarse, very coarse, extra coarse and ultra-coarse) No AEZ is required when the pesticide is applied in a manner other than those covered above (i.e., less than 12 inches from the soil with medium or larger spray quality). Situations where no AEZ is required include applications of granular pesticides, soil-incorporated pesticides (not fumigants); pre-plant, at-plant, and spot-spray pesticide applications as long as they are less than 12 inches from the soil and use a medium or larger spray quality.
Application Exclusion Zone in Outdoor Production When the application is concluded, the AEZ no longer exists. Field AEZ Treated Area
Application Exclusion Zones in Outdoor Production This requirement puts responsibility on the applicator to make the final decision Original had no specific requirement to suspend applications. Current During pesticide applications, workers and others are prohibited from being in: The treated area - for farms and forests The treated area and areas adjacent to treated areas (entry-restricted areas) – for nurseries Revision Establishes application exclusion zones (AEZ) based on distance from the application equipment for farms and forests, also applies in nurseries Agricultural employers must keep workers and other persons out of the AEZ that are WITHIN the boundary of the establishment owner’s property Handler must suspend application if persons are in AEZ. Requirement to suspend application is NOT limited by the boundary of the establishment owner’s property [1/2018 implementation] An Application Exclusion Zone is an area 0-100 ft. around the application equipment during application
Information Exchange Email alerts for Pre-notification requirements Sign up sheets No email? Phone call, text, or face to face
Information Exchange
Information Exchange Email alerts for Pre-notification requirements Sign up sheets No email? Phone call, text, or face to face Email alerts for Post Application Information contained can be posted to Central Location Record keeping
Information Exchange From: <> Date: Sep 1, 2017 8:10 AM Subject: Field Application Notification - #17836 To: "Rogerson Farms LLC" <>, "Rogerson Farms LLC" <>, "Rogerson Farms LLC" <> Cc: The following locations have been applied T.O. East - 60.00 / 60.00 acres - 60.00 acres on 09/01/2017 at 6:58 AM - 7:30 AM QUEST - 3.2 FL OZ / acre WHIRLWIND - 62719-220 - 32 FL OZ / acre DYNAMIC - 3.2 FL OZ / acre MICROTHIOL DISPERSS - 70506-187 - 5 LB / acre Hours Re-entry: 24 This message was sent automatically by Chem-Man on behalf of Red Baron Ag Service, Inc.
Annual Pesticide Safety Training No Grace Period for Trainings Ensure that training is completed before any worker enters a treated area where a WPS product has been used or an REI has been in effect Maintain training records for 2 years.
Annual Pesticide Safety Training Training Qualifications Certified Applicator of RUPs in any category State designated trainer Completed the Train the Trainer Program
Worker/Handler Training Video English Format Run time 38 minutes
Worker/Handler Training Video Spanish Format Run time 57 minutes
Farm Audits and Inspections Central Location Decontamination Site(s)/kits PPE Worker/Handler Training Information Exchange REI followed?
Farm Audits and Inspections Decontamination Site(s)/kits --- Workers REI > 4hrs = provide supplies for 30 days REI </= 4hrs = provide supplies for 7 days Supplies within 1/4mi. of workers Water = 1 gallon per worker, filled before work begins Soap (i.e. Dawn detergent, not orange hand cleaner) Single Use Towels
Farm Audits and Inspections Decontamination Site(s)/kits --- Handlers Provided for the duration of the task Supplies within 1/4mi. of handlers, mixing/loading site, or where PPE is removed Water = 3 gallons per handler, filled before work begins Soap (i.e. Dawn detergent, not orange hand cleaner) Single Use Towels Clean change of clothes Emergency eyewash station Eye protection – if required, 1 pint of emergency water on the person or with the application equipment Respirator
Farm Audits and Inspections Decontamination Site(s)/kits --- Early Entry Workers Supplies must meet requirements for Handlers Supplies within 1/4mi. of workers, mixing/loading site, or where PPE is removed Water = 3 gallons per handler, filled before work begins Soap (i.e. Dawn detergent, not orange hand cleaner) Single Use Towels Clean change of clothes, coveralls, etc. Eye protection – if required, 1 pint of emergency water on the person or with the application equipment No Early Entry Workers within 4 hours of application end* Refer to pages 49 – 53 of WPS manual
Farm Audits and Inspections Personal Protective Equipment – PPE Long sleeved shirts, short sleeved shirts, pants, shorts, socks, and shoes are considered standard attire in WPS Follow the label for proper attire Chemical resistant boots or shoes Chemical resistant gloves Chemical resistant suit or coveralls and/or apron Headgear Eyewear Respirator
Farm Audits and Inspections Personal Protective Equipment - PPE
Farm Audits and Inspections
Farm Audits and Inspections
Farm Audits and Inspections Respirators and Fit Testing Medical Evaluation Any Occupational Health provider certification Annual fit testing Norco Industrial Annual respirator training Maintain records for 2 years
Pesticide Handlers PPE – Respirators Name of handler tested A written record of the fit test must be maintained for 2 years and must contain: Name of handler tested Type of fit test performed Make, model and size of the respirator tested Date of the fit test, and Results of the fit test: Pass / fail for qualitative test Fit factor and strip chart recording or other record of the test results for a quantitative test
Norco Medical
Reference Material Luis Urias, ISDA, 208-332-8663, email: Jeannie Watkins, ISDA, 208-736-5277 WPS email for any and all questions: How to Comply Manual : EPA Worker Safety Posters:
Thank You!