Buyer's strategies regarding Joint Implementation Sascha Eichberger Austrian JI/CDM Programme Buyer's strategies regarding Joint Implementation Austrian JI/CDM Programme UNFCCC Technical Workshop on JI Bonn, 13.-14. February 2007 Füllung weiß/ keine Füllung 17.11.2018
Objectives of the Austrian JI/CDM Programme Main Aim Closing the gap between the Austrian Kyoto target and national emission reduction potential Purchasing Volume: 35 mill. t CO2e (2008-2012) Budget: EUR 289 mill. Ensuring - Environmental Integrity - Cost effectiveness - Promotion of Technology Transfer (CDM) - Improvement of socially important infrastructure 17.11.2018
Projects in pipeline Status December 2006: Total 158 projects in pipeline: 112 CDM and 46 JI Programme start mainly JI, now more CDM due to: - well established regulatory framework of CDM - efforts of Host Countries to enable CDM projects - restrictions for JI through ETS in EU member states - development of GIS 17.11.2018
Position of JI Major objective: To assure the delivery of the ERs for the Austrian compliance. Possibilities to purchase the ERs: 1. CDM projects: high potential, well established framework, lower risk (esp. after registration) 2. JI projects: high potential (RU/UA), slightly higher risk (conversion AAU-ERU) 3. GIS: still do not exist, supplement to other two mechanisms 17.11.2018
JI Track 1 versus Track 2 A national buyer's point of view Advantages of Track 1 Simplification of JI accounting procedures Higher Flexibility Lower Transactions costs No Supervisory Committee "Risk" Disadvantages of Track 1 Different standards are applied to projects (depending on Host Countries) 17.11.2018
JI Track 1 versus Track 2 A national buyer's point of view Advantages of Track 2 One single standard is applied to projects What to do if host county "looses" eligibility criteria for Track 1? Disadvantages of Track 2 Higher transaction costs Eventual delay in the project processing Eligibility criteria for Track 1 are not met – Track 2 is in operation 17.11.2018
Strategy of the Austrian JI/CDM Programme - JI - Focus on Russia and Ukraine Open for both verification procedures Possibility in ERPA to change from Track 2 to Track 1 Country specific approach 17.11.2018
Füllung weiß/ keine Füllung Mr. Sascha Eichberger Tel: +43/(0)1/31 6 31- 247 Füllung weiß/ keine Füllung 17.11.2018