Camera Arts and Digital Imaging
Photography “light writing” or “light-drawing” can be an art form or a practical tool Journalism, science, advertising, public relations, recording family history, means of expression Reveals the photographer’s personal way of seeing and responding
The forerunner of the modern camera was the camera obscura “dark room” p. 145 Daguerreotypes – first satisfactory photographs; exposure times were so long only stationary objects could be recorded
Louis jacques mande daguerre 1839 note that the streets have no cars and the sidewalks have no people other than the man who was getting his shoes shined. He stayed in one place long enough to be a part of the photograph
As an art form Personal expression symbolic communication eye-catching composition
Henri cartier – Bresson 1932 Note the shape of the figure repeated in the reflection and the poster in the back. Also, the ripples in the water are repeated in the shapes on the ground.
Photographs bring public attention to suffering caused by war, poverty, hunger and neglect Stir emotions Assist in the creation of laws Photo essay – collection of photographs on a single subject that tell a story or convey a mood
Photos that assisted in establishing child labor laws
Child labor laws
Child labor laws
Photography has aided environmentalists Used to increase public awareness of the need for conservation of the natural environment
Ansel Adams. Capturing the beauty of nature assists environmentalists by
Color photography was not accepted by artists because it was associated with family snapshots and tourist photographs William Eggleston Museum of modern Art 1976 Beginnings of art photography