1.3 The Scientific Method - Part 2
7 Steps to the Scientific Method 1. State the Problem. 2. Make Observations 3. Form a Hypothesis 4. Test the Hypothesis 5. Collect and Record Data 6. State a Conclusion 7. Repeat the Process
Step #5 - Collecting Data Data - any information collected by scientists. Collecting and organizing data is the longest and most tedious phase of the scientific method. Charts, data tables, and graphs can help visualize information.
Step #6 - Stating a Conclusion Modeling: A representation of an idea, event or object to help people better understand it (visual, verbal, or mathematical) Inference: Conclusion based on facts, not direct observation. Smoke – Inference? Thunder – Inference?
Step #7 - Repeat the Process Hypothesis must be tested many times. The experiment must be conducted in the same way each time.
Forming a Theory Theory - a broad comprehensive statement of what is thought to be true. Can you think of any theories?
Scientific Law A statement about what happens in nature that seems to be true all the time. Laws tell you what will happen under certain conditions, but don’t explain why or how something happens. Example? ___________________
Observation vs. Inference An observation is a statement describing a fact. When you observe, you become aware of something using one of your senses.
Observation vs. Inference When you infer, you make a mental judgment based on observations. Inferences cannot be directly observed. They require thought.
Example For example, if you get up in the morning, look up at the sky and observe dark clouds, observe the air is cool and humid, and observe puddles on the ground, you might infer that it has recently _________. Rained Note: you did not see rain; you decided that it rained based on your observations. An inference is a statement based on your interpretation of the facts.
Examples Observations That plant is extremely wilted The car stopped running The NY Yankees are leading their division in baseball Inferences That plant is extremely wilted due to a lack of water. The car stooped running because it was out of gas. The Yankess are leading there division because they are playing well right now.
1. There is a representation of a face on one side of the coin. 2. The Latin word "Dei" means "God." 3. The coin was made by deeply religious people. 4. The date 1722 is printed on one side of the coin. 5. The coin was made in 1722. 6. The face on the coin is a representation of the nation's president.
Take a good look at this picture
Question 1 Are there cars parked on the sides of the road?
Question 2 What color is the pickup truck driving in the road?
Question 3 Where there any minivans around?
Question 4 What color is the sign on the telephone pole closest to the camera?
Question 5 What's the speed limit?
Question 6 Are there any pedestrians on the road?
Answers Yes Blue Green or Blue 35 mph No
Observation vs. Inference On the next slide, state whether the statement is an observation or an inference.
How many legs does the elephant have?
Compare this picture to the next one…
What’s the difference?
Can you build these shelves?
Does the square have curved sides?
Read this sign
What do you see?
This image contains a picture and a word. Do you see both of them?
Look at the chart and say the color, NOT the word Your right brain tried to say the color, but your left brain was reading the word.
What images do you see?
Is the corner of the building concave or convex?
What do you see? The Landscape of Faces
These circles are not moving, your brain is making them appear to move These circles are not moving, your brain is making them appear to move. Try focusing on one circle. It will stop moving.
Are these dots moving?
Are these dots moving?
Do you see the man’s face?
Construction Site
The Pit
Einstein Face Paper Dragon http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ORoTCBrCKIQ Paper Dragon http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=zKanr-kNEJs