GridKa School 2007 Christopher Jung, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
Event description Founded in 2003 Target groups: Graduate students, PhD students, scientists Members from the various national and international grid projects Program in 2007 included: 23 talks 3x3 parallel hands-on tutorials 1 grid security workshop 2 social events 2 | Christopher Jung | Steinbuch Centre for Computing | 17.11.2018
Record participation in 2007 More than 140 participants from 14 countries! 3 | Christopher Jung | Steinbuch Centre for Computing | 17.11.2018
Evaluation of GKS 2007 Overall rating for school: 8.51 Overall rating for all talks: Relevance 7.78 Quality 7.74 Overall rating for all hands-on tutorials: Overall quality 8.09 Achievement of goals of course 8.01 talks hands-on tutorials 4 | Christopher Jung | Steinbuch Centre for Computing | 17.11.2018
HEP at GKS in 2007 and future Ideas, suggestions are highly welcome! HEP is GKS’ largest community In 2007: Two hands-on courses for HEP users (gLite Usage, PROOF) Three hands-on courses for HEP grid administrators (virtualization, gLite Installation, dCache installation); (PROOF and dCache in top 3 of ratings for courses) Grid Security Workshop mostly attended by HEP grid admins HEP should play an even more important part in GKS 2008 suggestion: One track for HEP users with input (including hands-on for LHC experiement-specific analysis on the grid) One track for (HEP) grid admins Possible date: October 6 to 10, 2008 Ideas, suggestions are highly welcome! 5 | Christopher Jung | Steinbuch Centre for Computing | 17.11.2018