Collection Services Workflow in a Small Library Rebecca Bartlett LACONI Technical Services Section March 1, 2018
La Grange Public Library Serves a population of 15,500 residents. Located within 2 miles of La Grange Park Public Library District, Thomas Ford Memorial Library and Brookfield Public Library. Staff of 16 full-time and 27 part-time employees. Interim Director Stephen Bero started in January 2018.
Organizational Chart
What’s in a Name? In January 2018: Patron Services became Member Services Youth Services became Children’s Services Technical Services became Collection Services Reference and Reader Services became Adult & Teen Services
SWAN (System-Wide Area Network)
SWAN Consortium La Grange is a member of the SWAN consortium of 78 libraries. In the previous fiscal year, SWAN libraries circulated over 13,500,000 items. Some of the former LINC and MAGIC libraries, called the New 19, will join SWAN on May 1, 2018. The combined catalog of 97 libraries will contain over 8,400,000 items.
SWAN Consortium Map
SWAN Member Responsibilities Participate in resource sharing using the delivery system. Follow SWAN cataloging guidelines for books, A/V, magazines and non-traditional items. Serve as a sister library to one of the New 19 libraries. La Grange is paired up with Carol Stream Public Library for training on cataloging, acquisitions and circulation.
Library Collection
La Grange Collection As of January 2018, collection of 109,516 items: 90,760 Books 650 Video Games 2,627 CD Books 71 Playaway Views 215 MP3 CD Books 575 CD / DVD Kits 4,248 Music CDs 2,555 Magazines 7,718 DVDs 84 Circulating Equipment 13 E Readers Circulated 334,000 items May 2016-April 2017
Department Staffing 1 full-time Collection Services Manager 1 full-time Collection Services Associate 1 full-time Collection Services Clerk 1 part-time Collection Services / Member Services Clerk
Collection Services Manager 37.5 hours per week; MLS required. Catalogs adult and children’s nonfiction. Manages acquisition funds and processes invoices for adult and children’s items. Imports, upgrades and creates OCLC records in Connexion Client. Selects Dewey 200s, 300-329, 400s, 830-899, 900-919 and adult and teen video games.
Collection Services Associate 37.5 hours per week, AA degree suggested. Enters adult book and A/V item records in SWAN catalog. Places adult and children’s orders with Baker & Taylor. Manages monthly Amazon invoice. Provides statistical reports for selectors.
Collection Services Clerk 37.5 hours per week; AA degree suggested (current employee has an MLS) Applies labels, stickers and laminate to adult print and A/V. Cleans A/V discs using the EcoSmart disc repair machine. Enters magazine item records in SWAN catalog. Manages magazine subscriptions with EBSCO.
Collection Services Clerk / Member Services Clerk 18 hours per week, with additional 4 hour rotation every other week at the Member Services (circulation) desk. AA degree suggested (current employee has an MLS). Enters children’s and teen book item records in SWAN catalog. Applies labels, stickers and laminate to children’s and teen books.
Library Volunteers Collection Services will occasionally utilize volunteers: Apply RFID tags to items in the stacks using the 3M Conversion Station (September 2014-April 2015). Use the EcoSmart disc cleaner to clean CDs, DVDs, video games. Check items out to the DISCARDLGS patron.
Library Technical Assistant Practicum Student In Fall 2017, Collection Services hosted a Practicum student from the LTA Program at the College of DuPage. This student: RFID tagged part of the Reference collection. Created a new Digital Archive for the Library with pictures of the four La Grange Public Library buildings over time. Served shifts on the Reference Desk, Patron Services Desk, and Farmers Market booth.
Supplies Budget The CS Manager creates the annual supplies budget based on expenditures in the previous fiscal year for laminate, tape, labels, A/V cases, RFID tags, and book carts. The CS Clerk is responsible for identifying when replacement supplies are needed. The CS Manager orders and invoices new supplies.
Materials Budget The CS Manager meets with Adult and Children’s Services managers to determine allocations for print and A/V, circulating and reference. The teen materials budget is managed separately and is not part of the Acquisitions module in Symphony WorkFlows. The CS Manager divides allocations among 53 subfunds in the Acquisitions module. In FY2019, managers plan to use the Spending Plan function in Collection HQ to divide up the materials budget based on circulation.
Acquisitions Module
Collection HQ Spending Plan
Ordering from Baker & Taylor Children’s Services and Adult Services selectors create gridded order carts and send to CS Associate’s login in Title Source 360. CS Associate combines all weekly carts and places order with Baker & Taylor. Adult orders are placed on Tuesdays, children’s orders on Fridays. CS Associate imports cart to Acquisitions module in SirsiDynix WorkFlows.
Title Source 360
EDI Order
Ordering from other Vendors Selector places an online order with the vendor. Selector notifies CS staff with an email or printed list of the order. CS Associate enters order records into the Acquisitions module.
Amazon Order
Ordering E-Books The CS Manager purchases bestsellers on a quarterly basis for the Kindle HDs, Nook Tablet HDs, Nook Colors and Sony Readers. Adult Services staff purchase individual titles from OverDrive Advantage Plus as part of the Media on Demand consortium.
Invoicing For EDI orders, when EDI file is ready from Baker & Taylor, CS Manager imports invoice into Acquisitions module. For all other orders, CS Manager enters the invoice into Acquisitions when items are received. The paper invoice goes to the bookkeeper to pay.
Processing CS Associate enters item record in Symphony catalog for adult books and all A/V items. CS Clerk enters item records for magazines, children’s and teen materials. CS Associate and Clerks apply RFID tags to all circulating items. CS Clerk applies labels, stickers, tape and stamps. CS Clerk laminates all dust jacket covers, DVD and CD art.
Processing Books
Processing Magazines
Processing A/V Items
Cataloging La Grange is the smallest OCLC contributing library in SWAN. In 2017, the CS Manager imported 1,354 OCLC records, updated 67 records and created 145 records. SWAN staff created the Constant Data that the CS Manager uses in the Connexion Client.
SWAN Catalog Record
Discards Staff process two types of Discards: patron donations that are not added to the collection, and library items that are withdrawn. All withdrawn items are checked out to DISCARDLGS patron in SirsiDynix WorkFlows. La Grange contracts with Discover Books to remove discarded items.
Discover Books bin
Other Duties as Assigned Collection Services staff: Contribute to Strategic Plan Goal Team Action steps. Create a lobby Staff Picks display every June and December. Serve on a public service desk as needed. Participate in optional staff activities such as Social Committee, Programming Committee, Pet Parade and Farmers Market.
Reports CS Associate assists selectors with running statistics, and provides a monthly count for the Board Report. Use BLUECloud Analytics for monthly added and withdrawn. Use Collection HQ for weeding, collection development and analysis. Use Symphony WorkFlows reports for high demand holds, list items.
Monthly Items Added and Withdrawn CS staff add an average of 950 Books, 20 CD Books, 22 Music CDs, 100 DVDs and 13 Video Games per month. CS staff withdraw an average of 1,300 items per month.
One Week in Collection Services Monday: Children’s B&T order arrives. CS Clerk collects weekly newspapers to discard. Tuesday: CS Associate places adult order with B&T. CS Manager places adult order with Amazon. Wednesday / Thursday: Adult B&T order arrives. Friday: CS Associate places children’s order with B&T.
Questions? Rebecca Bartlett Collection Services Manager La Grange Public Library 708-215-3240