How to write a Film Review
Film Review 101 A film review is not a book report! Express your opinion of the film, but support your opinion with examples. If you are offended or disappointed or embarrassed, provide a valid reason A film review that comes across as a personal attack on an actor, director, or screenwriter or about a genre is a failed review Adjust the style of your review for the readership Avoid spoilers
Judge the story Rate the actors. Are the character’s actions justified Are the character’s motives plausible Does the plot make sense Is the narrative arc well shaped Rate the actors. Do they meet the expectations dictated by the plot and other story elements Are the actors hampered by a poor script What could the performers, the screenwriters, or the filmmaker have done differently to make the movie work better
Evaluate the technical elements How do the cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and other components support or hinder from the film Is music appropriate Did the set add to the action of the movie
Film Review Check List - Is you opinion justified? - Did you avoid spoilers? - Did you judge the story? - characters actions - characters motives - plot arch - Did you rate the actors performance? - What could the Directors, Actors and Screenwriters have done differently? - Did you evaluate the technical elements? - cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and music - Was it enjoyable?