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Presentation transcript:


Structure of the publication Final version proposed in July 2004 A – CONTEXT B – ORGANISATION OF EDUCATION SYSTEMS Structures Objectives and evaluation Decision-making levels and processes C – PARTICIPATION D – FINANCIAL AND HUMAN RESOURCES Funding and equipment Teachers Management staff E – EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES Teaching time Grouping of pupils Assessment of pupils F – GRADUATES AND QUALIFICATION LEVELS

Source EURYDICE EUROSTAT PISA/PIRLS 0% 100% 65% 7% 28% 4.5% 91% 37% A – Context (12 figures) 0% 100% (Labour Force Survey, Population and migration data) B – Organisation of education systems (29 figures) 65% 7% (UOE) 28% C – Participation (20 figures) 4.5% 91% (UOE and LFS) D – Resources (54 figures) 37% 47% (UOE and National Accounts) 15% E – Educational processes (29 figures) 46.5% F – Graduates and qualifications levels (13 figures) Sources: share of figures using each source, the percentage is based on the total number of figures displayed in each chapter in the electronic version.

The following progress has been made since November 2004 Three additional indicators have been produced and will be submitted for approval. Some figures have been removed from the paper version. The PISA 2003 update has been achieved. The “Main issues” have been drafted.

Three additional indicators have been produced and will be submitted for approval Projection of growth rates for the number of pupils aged 5-9 and 10-14 between 2000 and 2010, and between 2000 and 2015 (Eurostat). Trend in the percentage of pupils with special needs in the total school population who are educated separately, compulsory education, 1996-2004 (SEN). Statutory definitions of the workload of teachers in hours per week, in primary and general (lower and upper) secondary education, 2002/03 (Eurydice).

14 figures have been removed from the paper version Objectives: to decrease the number of pages of the paper version of the publication. Agreement of Eurostat. Criteria of removal: Redundancy of information. Total compliance with the scope of the publication. More broken down statistics presented. All information is preserved: Removed figures and their comments are still available in the electronic version (via an electronic link for each figure). The deleted figures will be mentioned in the text of the paper version (i.e. see complementary figure XX in the electronic version).

The PISA update has been achieved The PISA 2003 database has been made public in December 2004. PISA indicators used for Key Data 2005 have been updated and kept when the following rules were met: These indicators are available both in PISA 2000 and PISA 2003 surveys. Data availability between 2000 and 2003 is nearly the same (data availability decreased for some indicators and for some countries in 2003). The comparison between 2000 and 2003 data shows meaningful and explainable information regarding the KDE 2005 content: e.g. « Average percentage of computers connected to the Internet in schools attended by pupils aged 15, 2000 and 2003 ».

Complementary nature of the information provided by Eurydice and Eurostat: an illustrative example. Participation rates in pre-primary and primary education (ISCED 0 and 1), by age depend on two criteria – namely age of admission and maturity. As a result, participation rates in pre-primary and primary education (ISCED 0 and 1), by age, are better understood when read with the description of structure of education systems from pre-primary provision to tertiary education (Figure B1) and the existing conditions governing admission to compulsory primary education (Figure B4).

Figure B4: Conditions governing admission to compulsory primary education, 2002/03 COINCIDES WITH THE START OF THE SCHOOL YEAR DURING THE SCHOOL YEAR CHILDREN MUST HAVE REACHED THE AGE FOR BEGINNING COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR BY A SPECIFIC DATE BE fr, BE de, BE nl, DK, EL, ES, FR, IT, LV, LT, MT, PL, SI, FI, SE, IS, NO, BG, RO CZ (1/9), DE (according to the Land, between 30/6 and 30/9), EE (1/10), CY (1/9), LU (15/9), HU (31/5), AT (31/8), PT (15/9), SK (start of the school year), UK-NIR (1/7), UK-SCT (between 1/3 and 1/8), LI (between 1/5 and 31/8) IE, NL, UK-ENG/WLS Source: Eurydice.

Work finalisation timetable January and February 2005 March and April 2005 May 2005 EEU Updating of the PISA 2003 indicator (Jan.) Continued corrections Finalisation of the “Main Issues” (Jan.) Finalisation and dispatch to printers FR/EN (April) Public Release NU Eurostat Verification of the last three indicators (Feb.) Reading of the PISA 2003 indicators (Feb.) Reading of the “Main Issues” EN/FR (Feb.) Final re-reading of the overall publication (March)